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Guest Ajim

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Guest Ajim

Their Turbolasers dont seem to have any effects on Star Destroyers...even VSD's...Weird...its always Calamari Cruisers Sheild Taken out and blasted into scrap....while Imperial Star Destroyers Maintain no Sheild Failures mad.gif



Ace Rulez

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Guest Fondas

... That's why you have to take them out with starfighters ! wink.gif



"No matter how pretty the bait,

a hook is still a hook !"


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Guest Ajim

In that Case The REbs Assets Are Good Pilots and Fighters While Imperials Have Advantages in Capship Tech...Well..can The Calamari at least Show some Power AT those Star Destroyer So That it Doesnt look so dumb...

Im really confused confused.gif Because Calamri Vs VSD...The Results are Supposed to be !At least! Calamari Destroyed, VSD 80% hull... tongue.gif



Ace Rulez

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Guest rookie5

The ISD, VSD and assault frigates all have OPT center faults. That means from certain angles and distances fire from other capital ships will miss them completely.

If you make a skirmish mission with a Cal cruiser 1 km from a VSD the CRS will win. It will still lose to a ISD tough.

The assault frigate is praticaly invulnerable. It will only be hit if directly under or above the enemy capship. Good thing it´s a rebel ship.

I´m searching for some patch or editor that will allow the correction of this.

It´s possible to give the CRSs better firepower with mxvted. They have very weak long range turbolasers and I think it was a design choice so that it´s you who should destroy the enemy capships before they destroy yours.

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Guest Ajim

At least They Should put some kind of indicator meter on on our hud so that we can see..capship Hull/Sheild like in Freespace & 2 and The liberty Commander saying C'mon Pilots!!! take out those Damn Sheild Generator..or You can bulid a Training Ground on How to attack A capship or Your Wingman Wont be dumb enough to hit the capship even after commanding Your wingman to attack the Sheild generator..its not always U get the opprotunity to take out those damn generators...its always 5 bandits on My tail and whacked my @$$ before I can take down those Generators...one more thing the COMMAND to Your Wingmen Sucks!!! mad.gif I'd Rather Put up With Freespace because They Have "PROTECT MY TARGET" which will eventually order your wings to stay close to your objectives and take down incoming Torps first, "attack SubSystem" is useful against caps..I hope They Do something About this...I'm Getting Very Pissed off... mad.gif





Ace Rulez

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Guest Doom Reaver

The eason why the Star Destroyers take almost no shield damage is because their shield generators are on the bridge of their craft. None of the opponents shoot at the spheres on the bridges of the star destroyers- those are the generators. The AI rebel ships just shoot at the ship, which leads to their destruction. Best bet, use torpedoes or space bombs on the generators. After you destroy them, they will be an easy target to destroy.

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Guest Ajim

Originally posted by Doom Reaver:

The eason why the Star Destroyers take almost no shield damage is because their shield generators are on the bridge of their craft. None of the opponents shoot at the spheres on the bridges of the star destroyers- those are the generators. The AI rebel ships just shoot at the ship, which leads to their destruction. Best bet, use torpedoes or space bombs on the generators. After you destroy them, they will be an easy target to destroy.

Tried Taking out the sheild of VSD...and let the calamari Deal with it...Unsucecessfull Calamari died!





Ace Rulez

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Guest Doom Reaver

Do you think that you are cool, copying and pasting exactly what I wrote? You have a lot of nerve doing that. When I registered, I expected to see more maturity out of the people here. Instead, I get stomped on, judged by everyone just because of my screen name, and now YOU have the audacity to mock me? That's just reaching an all new low, people. This site all together simply sucks.

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DR that's the "quote" of the site. You use it to quote someone then reply to something they said, it's well used here at these forums. Don't get pissed off about it. Ajim you did nothing wrong. It's not your fault this guy is a piss ass! If he didn't act like such a jackass and stop spamming then he wouldn't get judged. Then DR acts like his name is being judged. Well it has nothing to do with your name..... It's YOU dumbass! Then you want to say you don't like being judged well then don't judge this site jackass! I hope you leave these forums, this place would be a lot better without you. I hope more of your squadies don't come if they act as ill-brained as you dumbass.



My sigs never make sense and people never understand them. I really don't give a f*ck!

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Guest Ajim

I just noticed something...The calamari cruiser does not have a SHEILD GENERATOR component. How Does it Emit Sheild? all ships have it don't they or the Generator is installed in the Skin of the Ship? I think The calamari cruiser should be istalled with a jamming device so that capship will have a hard time locking on the ship...I v been playing Abandon rebel base at kothlis for more than 20 times and still no luck...No choice..skip it. frown.gif



Ace Rulez

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Actually the wingless TG CRS does have a shield-generator, they decided that one of the pods which are normally though of as bridges or observation pods (and have windows on them) was a shield gen.

The TG W/CRS on the other hand I don't think has a shield generator component.


Essential guide to Vehicles diagram of the Liberty has one of the many warts defined as being a "typical" deflector shield generator BTW, so if every wart that size is a shield-gen then a CRS has about 20-30 of them. That would certainly explain the references to Mon Calamari Cruisers having multiple-redundacies built into their shield systems and to their shieding being "almost invincible" smile.gif


As rookie5 said though there are OPT center faults which mean that from many angles the OPTs with that flaw are going to be missed by other starships firing at them.

About the only way to correct the problem is to adjust the OPT and unfortunately the OPT editing / creation tools I've used don't move or adjust hardpoint positions when the OPT is recentered or rescaled (maybe something to ask Jedi Hunter to include in the next version of OPTech).

Eventually of course the XWAU will release the Rebel Starship Patch (which will include the redone Assault Frigate) and the Imperial Starship Patch (which will obviously include the Star Destroyers) and the problem will be solved that way.

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Guest Ajim

Well im glad about the patch at least I dont have to skip Abandoning Rebel base at kothlis.I just noticed the sheild generator on independence...I usually use the liberty.

naah...BTW what is "OPT" stands 4?



Ace Rulez

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OPT files are the 3D Model files used by XWA.


I don't know if the extension stands for anything or what it could stand for though.

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Guest Redwing

Originally posted by Doom Reaver:

Do you think that you are cool, copying and pasting exactly what I wrote? You have a lot of nerve doing that. When I registered, I expected to see more maturity out of the people here. Instead, I get stomped on, judged by everyone just because of my screen name, and now YOU have the audacity to mock me? That's just reaching an all new low, people. This site all together simply sucks.


WRONG! Click on the C-3PO icon above anybody's post. It's "Reply with Quote". It's a function that brings up a reply screen with the original post insrted in as a quote. It's a perfectly normal and common thing to do. He did NOT copy/paste what you wrote. rolleyes.gif



At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi.

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Guest Ajim

You're Right Redwing...I never Cut & paste just click at c3po. BTW I just Won XWA...Hooray!




Ace Rulez

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Lets see, what did Doom River do when he first registered on XWA.net...


He spammed a recruitment message 4 times in 2 forums. And it was probly the worst one i ever saw.


and now he thinks we are acting childish and immature? when we are using a function that is standerd now it almost all UUB, or similar forums?


bah, good riddance to bad rubbish

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Guest Rogue 9

Originally posted by K_Kinnison:

Lets see, what did Doom River do when he first registered on XWA.net...


He spammed a recruitment message 4 times in 2 forums. And it was probly the worst one i ever saw.


and now he thinks we are acting childish and immature? when we are using a function that is standerd now it almost all UUB, or similar forums?


bah, good riddance to bad rubbish


Yes biggrin.gif



Those who live by the sword get shot by those who don't.

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