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Well there are some critera...


1. Digital (less things to break)

2. Programable

3. More then 2 buttons and a hat switch

4. USB (if you have one)

5. 3 Axis, (not a throttle but a "twist")

6. Throttles are not needed for XWA

7. a Good "feel" to the stick (ergonomics)


Stay away from Microsoft crud, logitech has fairly good and has durable sticks


enjoy shopping!

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Guest BrianJedi

I have a Logitech WingMan Interceptor....it's a great joystick.



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I think I must like the Logitech sticks; I have 2 of 'em! (Wingman Force USB and Wingman Extreme Digital)


Whatever you do get a force-feedback stick if your system (and perhaps your budget) is compatable. It makes all the games even cooler!


Try a few out to be sure they are comfortable to you first. You'll be spending a lot of time playing these games, and you'll really hate yourself if you buy a bad stick.

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Guest cahyos

Who said throttles are not needed for this game?

I use it frequently. Its the best way to chase a faster and better manouverable ship than yours, because you can control your speed exactly if you want to do a turn and then accelerate it in no time.

Well, try it on pilot proofing ground, and you'll see the benefits. wink.gif

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You dont need a very accurate throttle.


THe only Throttle keys you need are...


Full Throttle (100%)

Match Tagets speed

2/3 Throttle (66%)

1/3 Throttle (33%)

and MAYBE no throttle (0%)


I have done the pilot proving grounds, i only use 1/3, 2/3 or full at any time. That is all you need. you dont need 80%, or 45%, or any other kind of fine control on your throttle

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Guest cahyos

Yeah maybe, but on pilot proofing ground you'll need a precission to get through the curve, especially the sharp one. Can you get the best top time with only that 4 keys? You should very frequent change your throttle control to have the maximal speed on the curve. Well, I used to be used those keys, but it was a long long time ago in an old old game (X-Wing) smile.gif But not now, not in this modern era of digital world. Besides, if you have a very nice programable joystick, why do you still let your other hand off the stick to grab some keys on keyboard? It's too much work, make your reflect a little slower, alt least for me wink.gif

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Actaully, i found that the keyboard is more reliable, and quicker then a programmed button. Espccially over net games. ANd there is no reason to go any slower the 1/3 throttle, you do not get any advatages.


For manuvering in the pilot grounds, i do a throttle flutter, esppecially when inside the asteroid tunnels where the lava is. Otherwise i keep the torttle at 100% and only flutter to gain a bit more manuverbility. Fine conterol is great, but in XWA it is not needed. With one hand on the stick, and anyother on the keyboard, i do jsut fine. Maybe it is becasue i have been playing X-wing sims since the first one came out.

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