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best jedi class combination

Jedi Seoman

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I would like to play a light side jedi character who is pretty good with a lightsaber and very powerful with the force. Which class kombination do you suggest for me?


I am thinking about starting as a jedi guardian, to first increase my attributes and my lightsaber skills and then change (at level 15) to jedi master to increase my force abilities. Do you think this could work? I think there could be a problem with the attributes, for a fighter i need high strenght and dexterity and for a master i need high wisdom and charisma. But maybe it could work when i level up to more than level 30 at the several glitches...?




PS: I live in Germany and had to wait too damn long, but tomorrow i will finally receive my PC Version of KOTOR2, yippeeee!!!

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Hey. In theory your plan sounds like a good idea, but the problem is that you don't start to get the really good weapon feats (super-improved double weapon feat & super improved lightsaber specialization) until you become a marauder or a weaponmaster. You can, however, get master force jump and a few good lightsaber stances by the time you are level fifteen.

So it could work, but I'd recommend seriously jacking up your strength and constitution early on in the game, and then working up your charisma and wisdom after you begin to specialize as a master/sith lord.

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I would be inclined to go Sentinel --> Jedi Master.

Only because of the Immunities and additional skills you can acquire more easily as a Sentinel for the first 15 levels. And you won't really need to concern yourself with Strength your first 15 levels, since everything is dumbed down and easy. Jack up your Constitution to 18 (Atleast) then work soley on Charisma and Wisdom.


By lvl 25 you will be a pretty impressive adversary to be sure. So long as you outfit yourself in the proper attire and equipment, I do not forsee you having any trouble defeating those who place themselves as obstacles in your path.

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Originally posted by Jedi Seoman

I would like to play a light side jedi character who is pretty good with a lightsaber and very powerful with the force.


Please realize that you can't have both. :o

Either one or the other, or just a balance between the two.


Just go with whatever class you desire, because by the end, you'll still be unstoppable no matter what. :D

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I used to think that my LS jedi master was ridiculously powerful....then I started playing as a DS Marauder.

This guy is only at level 17, and he's already an unstoppable killing machine. With two sabers, Force Master Speed and Force Fury, this guy is getting one hit kills all over the place, and killing entire gangs in seconds. I can't even imagine how powerful he'll be once he gets those advanced two-weapon fighting and saber-specialization feats.

I almost feel bad for Sion, Nihilus and


. By the time I get to them, it's not even going to be a battle. It'll be a slaughter.

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When you are critical hitting for nearly 300 damage, and have 5 hits per round... that makes Force Crush look a little less impressive. Now if Force Crush was an area effect... ouch!


Both however are equally impressive. Force Crush tends to prevent anything from being able to attack back, even if it lives. And the Sheer damage capability of a Weaponmaster/marauder is untouchable.

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I would like to ask that if ill play mostly as grey jedi cause thats the most suitable for me cause i dont want to be restricted to being good or being bad and i dont want to have limits for what i do, so heres my question: When i would get some dark side points i would be marauder but after changing to marauder is it possible to do the good thing and help light side? Or do i have to stay bad and mean and looking like my face has been hit by the train and dried by sand and sun?

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I would go Consular/Weaponmaster/Marauder. You get force focus, and you get to by insanely good with a lightsaber. You will miss out on force forms, but it's okay, you will miss out on +3 Wisdom if you want to be full light, but that's okay too, and you will lose FP, that is more than okay because you don't need that much FP, you will gain less force powers, that is okay too because you will only need a few powers. But the trade off is worth it since Jedi Masters and Sith Lords get pretty weak personal feats and powers, compared to weaponmasters and marauders.

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Ya, you get ridiculous amounts of FP even at mid-game. My level 19 Sith Lord has like 450 FP, I have to spam Death Field for like 10 minutes with Force Potency on just to make a dent in it!


In TSL -any- class combo will have an incredibly easy time... so just do what seems the most fun to you.

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No matter what class you are or what combo you make, you will have an easy time.

Though, for the record, my 35 Guardian/Weaponmaster has like 600 FP to play with, while my 44 Consular/Sith Lord has 1100.

You really won't have any problem chain casting force powers till everything is dead using either class.

My personal preference is Weaponmaster, because he has better HP, Damage reduction, Melee Damage ability and his force power damage is not as bad as you would think.

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My first run through was Guardian/Weaponmaster, my second was Consular/Master, and I must say the Guardian/Weaponmaster was the easier of the two, however right now I'm going Consular/Weaponmaster, which I am finding to be quite delectable :lol:, only thing missing was Force Jump, but that was easily taken care of with KSE :D

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Yea, you have to become 75% Dark by level 15 to become a Marauder, and then just do good deeds to get back to 50. The Sith Lord and Jedi Master prestige classes are restricted somewhat in that they lose out on their 'influence others' force abilities if they go to neutral, but as far as I know the tank classes do not suffer penalties for it.

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No need to say sorry ^^


And thanks man, i appreciate the help.


Now im going to get 15 lvl and go as dark as necessary and then be marauder and get back to light, but there might be some problems.. For example others might start to hate me in my party so ive made this plan that i will get 15 lvl and then with KSE change myself to dark side and get marauder and then change back... would it work? If someone has any idea.

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I went through with my Counsular/Watchman, used dual sabers, and master power attack.. hehe... it was devastating to say the least :D


But yep, I think that mine had plenty of force powers, as well as feats, so it was good.


Only got to level 29 or so by the end of the game.. tips on how to get higher>

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Originally posted by Juha Avery

No need to say sorry ^^


And thanks man, i appreciate the help.


Now im going to get 15 lvl and go as dark as necessary and then be marauder and get back to light, but there might be some problems.. For example others might start to hate me in my party so ive made this plan that i will get 15 lvl and then with KSE change myself to dark side and get marauder and then change back... would it work? If someone has any idea.


No one has tried that yet, besides, it would be hard to be fully light after becoming a marauder.

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If you don't want to lose influence with your party, just party with Visas and Kreia til you reach 15. They're the best combo for a Marauder anyway.



"No one has tried that yet, besides, it would be hard to be fully light after becoming a marauder."


1)... I'm sure people have tried that...

2) It wouldn't be hard at all, you can be 75% dark before you even get to the surface of Telos. And Dantooine alone can bring you back up to 75% light.

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