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K2 Game far too easy.


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Being a K1 fan, it didnt take me long to get the hang of K2. Though i found it far too easy.


I was able to get to level 15 Jedi/18 Master without XP cheats of anykind. I could of got higher if i really went for every bit of XP i could grind. I have heard level 50 is obtainable.


With all the implants and clothing enhancements etc. I was unstoppable. I could of probably done almost the whole game without my other companions.


My force regen was so quick that it never got below halfway and fights don't usually last long.

Sion was down in 2 hits with no damage to me what so ever.

I only used shielding when in heavy firefights solo. Even though purely lightside, force lightning was very powerful and didnt drain much.


I played on the highest difficulty setting. The only hassles I had was when changing to other characters for missions that didnt involve my main character. This was only really a problem because they didnt get to Jedi until late, so their powers were weak. Though it wasnt much trouble.


What can i do to make it more challenging? I'd like to try and get level 50 if possible next time. I thought the AI was meant adjust for your level and become more difficult.

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Well one thing you can do is.. well i learned this from my mistake lol.. when you are on Dxun and going to met the queen and help her o kill her.. anyways when you splitt in two groups so for that group that was left on Dxun i choose BaoDur,Handmaiden and Atton rand.. it was quite challanging no force powers and i had a few health packs but dont get me wrong those characters a very good indeed.. if you want it even harder you can choose some "weaker" characters.. :biggs:

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Originally posted by Igor_Cavkov

Well one thing you can do is.. well i learned this from my mistake lol.. when you are on Dxun and going to met the queen and help her o kill her.. anyways when you splitt in two groups so for that group that was left on Dxun i choose BaoDur,Handmaiden and Atton rand.. it was quite challanging no force powers and i had a few health packs but dont get me wrong those characters a very good indeed.. if you want it even harder you can choose some "weaker" characters.. :biggs:




By the time i got to Dxun, i didnt really have any weak characters.

Mandalore and his 65dmg Mandalorian repeating blaster and all his enhancements. All the others were Jedi of some level, even though i used Atton as a Force enhanced rifleman, he still had the same rifle as Mandalore.


The only others were droids, although also strong, they are boring.


I could of done it the other way around and played the hard levels first, like Korriban, but then Id have the easy ones last, then it would be even easier than the first way.


Maybe i should mod the game and up everyones level. What makes it easy, is there are no Jedi to fight until the end, unless you go the dark path and kill the Jedi Masters. If every battle was a challenge, then it would be a lot longer lasting game.



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