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Discovered Force Powers [possible minor spoilers]


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As you play there are supposed to be 7 force powers or abilities that you learn along the way, however in the end there's still 2 that I can't seem to get (displayed as question marks). I've finished the game twice now, light and dark side and I've tried pretty much every dialogue option and done every bonus quest. What is it that I'm missing here, or better yet can someone name all 7 of them? Thanks for your replies.

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Have you tried being a Master or Sith Lord?

I am not Positive, but I am pretty sure those Questionable powers would be the Force Forms, like Force channel, but the Master/Sith Lord only types. I could be wrong here, It may just be something they took out that they forgot to remove completely.


I could name you the Saber forms and Force Forms if you wish.

I'll put it in a spoiler just incase.


Saber Forms: Niman, Shi-Cho, Ataru, Makashi, Juyo, Shien and Soresu. The Force Forms: Force Affinity, Force Channel and Force Potency.


You will never know all these abilities as one character. Some are class specific.

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I myself have finished this incomplete game (distressed over the cut dialogue :/, not even sure if I want to have a second go at KOTOR now..) and I not once did I encounter a 'force crush' power:




Is this exclusive to a particular dark side prestige class or what?

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Yes, Force Crush is a darkside power used by Sith Lords. It is a


Very Very Powerful. I believe it does 4-10 damage for every level of your character. So at level 30 you have a potential to unleash 300 damage on one enemy. It also has a bonus side effect that throws the enemy to the ground, should it survive your attack, which usually gives you enough time to attack again before they recover.



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It doesn't really matter who gets it, the point is it doesn't take one of those spaces. Precognition, beast trick, force sight are three such powers that I can think of right now. These are all powers everyone can attain so I'm guessing the other four are as well, but yeah, if anyone has time he could take a look at the awailable powers and if they're not included put them in at some point but I'm pretty sure they should be.

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Please don't read this unless you've finished the game AT LEAST once, and don't want to discover it for yourself...



Force Sight - Visas teaches you if your influence is high enough. Beast Trick - Kreia teaches you on Dxun. Breath Control - Kreia teaches you in Jekk Jekk Tar on Nar Shadda. Force Enlightenment - Learned after "meeting" the council on Dantooine as a Light Sider. Force Crush - Learned after meeting the council as a Dark Sider. Battle Precognition - Learned from Handmaiden after beating her 3 times and asking about her fighting forms. Droid Trick - Not sure how you get it. Also, the person above missed out Force Mastery. Hmm, anything else, If I think of anything else I'll post it.


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well so far we have these:

battle precognition, breath control, beast trick, precognition, force sight and then there's the droid trick and force mastery I think that's the seven of them although I don't know where to get droid trick either

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Originally posted by johnmedgla

Please don't read this unless you've finished the game AT LEAST once, and don't want to discover it for yourself...



Force Sight - Visas teaches you if your influence is high enough. Beast Trick - Kreia teaches you on Dxun. Breath Control - Kreia teaches you in Jekk Jekk Tar on Nar Shadda. Force Enlightenment - Learned after "meeting" the council on Dantooine as a Light Sider. Force Crush - Learned after meeting the council as a Dark Sider. Battle Precognition - Learned from Handmaiden after beating her 3 times and asking about her fighting forms. Droid Trick - Not sure how you get it. Also, the person above missed out Force Mastery. Hmm, anything else, If I think of anything else I'll post it.

I believe Droid Trick is unique to G0-T0...could be wrong though


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Ok this isn't a force-power related question but still, I find it unnecessary to make a new topic about this simple question.


HK 47 can get the FEAT - Droid Interface. What the heck does that do? As far as I can tell he is the only one that can take that feat, G0-T0 can't and neither T3.

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That's the one that's says it makes him understand what the droids are talking about? If so I've found no real use for it either, it might be something connected with the droid factory/planet that they left out but someone else might know more about it. I also found no way to install his pacifist protocols, they say you need to rebuild him first and turn him on, but once you do there's no option anymore to install it.

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7 Force powers


1. Precognition - Learns from Kreia at the beginning

2. Battle Precognition - Learns from Handmaiden (Only for male PC)

3. Beast Trick - Learns from Kreia at the Dxun Jungle

4. Force Breath - Learns from Kreia at the gas bar in Nar Shaddar

5. Force Sight - Learns from Visas (Be careful if you don't have enough influence and ask about it and she doesn't teach you, you won't have a second chance)

6. Force Enlightenment - Light Side PC later in Dantooine.

7. Force Crush - Dark Side PC later in Dantooine.


So if you are playing as female you won't be able to learn 2 force powers. Male, 1 force powers.


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