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I posted these question on another thread but people stop reading the thread so i thought i'd ask the questions



I also have a couple of question

why was mira such a threat to keria and her plans??


Why were the republic bringing you to telos on the Harbinger??


Why was the Ebon Hawk navicomputer lock did it have Revans last know location because all through the game T3 protecting it like when he attacks HK??




spoiler tags added by d333

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You probably will need to put some of that in spoiler tags.

But I will try and answer some of your questions as best I can.



Yes the Navicomputer was Voicelocked. Probably by Revan to conceal his wereabouts. He went to the outer rim with just the ebon hawk and the droids. With information in T3 to return to get help if something went wrong.




You were being brought onboard the Harbinger because, I am guessing here, that the republic was made aware of your Jedi status and they sought answers to why so many Jedi have gone missing. I believe Kreia released that information in order to find you easier, knowing sooner or later someone would find you for her. She said it was a strange coincidence, but You can't believe much of what she says.




Mira is good at finding what should remain lost. Why that is a threat to Kreia I am not sure, but she went through great pains to make sure Mira wasn't able to help you. I think this may be another part of the game they took out in order to release it on time. Pity I say. I really like Mira.


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Originally posted by Drazin

I'd like to hear what Derc and others think about this.

Hello! :waive1:


Originally posted by Venom750


why was mira such a threat to keria and her plans??


probably because she was Force Sensitive, and one of the Lost Jedi...otherwise, you got me there.



Originally posted by Venom750


Why was the Ebon Hawk navicomputer lock did it have Revans last know location because all through the game T3 protecting it like when he attacks HK??

What you and Drazin say is correct... :)


Originally posted by Venom750


Why were the republic bringing you to telos on the Harbinger??

Unfortunately, I don't think it's ever answered.

A more appropaite question would be "How did they find you in the first place," but that isn't answered either. :o However, as Drazin said, I believe that they were bringing you there because you were once a Jedi, and the Republic and Admiral Carth(or Admiral Cede) wanted your aid, and would meet you at Telos.

Atton: "And you know what that means. Where there's one Jedi, the Republic will soon be crawling up your ion cannon in no time."

Basically, they probably wanted your help. It is mentioned throughout the story about how much a single Jedi can make a difference in an event.


Of course, the Sith find you first and the rest is history...


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