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Beginner Needs needs some help?

Jade Kan DeLarb

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Hi all. Am hoping that a passing Jedi can give me some pointers?


1. Neither my JA demo or my recently obtained JA (full) remembered my keyboard/interaction preferences. Activision have told me to go C/PROGRAM FILES/LUCASARTS and ensure the READ ONLY box is not ticked. I have done this, but the box keeps resetting itself to ticked afterwards. I have uninstalled the demo - no change. I have yet to re-install the game on my PC. Is that necessary? And - should I uninstall all SAVES & Config files also? (I suppose the answer to that must be yes?)


2. IS there a Server site - pref via GAMESPY - tat is for beginners?


3. IS there a MOD that makes the DUAL lightsabre's single s sabre option as versatile as the STANDARD sabre? (i.e. clicking Lightsabre Style key switches between DUAL. SINGLE FAST, SINGLE MEDIUM & SINGLE STRONG?)


4. How come on the JA demo, when I pulled a SABER STAFF SWIRL, I was able to turn 360 degrees while it was playing out - but on the full version I can't? (I certainly can't multiplayer?)




any help gratefully recieved.

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Originally posted by Jade Kan DeLarb

1. Neither my JA demo or my recently obtained JA (full) remembered my keyboard/interaction preferences. Activision have told me to go C/PROGRAM FILES/LUCASARTS and ensure the READ ONLY box is not ticked. I have done this, but the box keeps resetting itself to ticked afterwards. I have uninstalled the demo - no change. I have yet to re-install the game on my PC. Is that necessary? And - should I uninstall all SAVES & Config files also? (I suppose the answer to that must be yes?)


You shouldn't need to do all that to retain your settings (though the 'read only' advice was good, but you already tried that). Simply do this, go in game and setup everything exactly how you want it. Then exit the normal way.


Now go into your /GameData/base/ folder (where JA is installed). Make a copy (copy 'n' paste) of jaconfig.cfg and jampconfig.cfg. Here is what I do. Take the one you use the most and rename (the copy, not the original file) to "autoexec.cfg" and save.


Now everytime you load up the game this file will load and it will overwrite the settings. If you wish to change a setting, delete the file and repeat the process, or when you get to know how things work, directly edit the autoexec.cfg.


Now I would name the other cfg file (jaconfig.cfg is for single player, jampconfig.cfg if obviously for Multiplayer) something simple and easy to type like "mp.cfg" or "sp.cfg", ie: the one you use less often). Then in-game when you load up, you can go into the console and type "exec mp" (without quotes) and that will exec the file of your choice.


Just keep in mind that single player (SP) and multiplayer (MP) are different and have their own setup.


2. IS there a Server site - pref via GAMESPY - tat is for beginners?


Do you mean a game server that goes easy on "newbies"? Because there are hundreds of servers it may be difficult to name one that caters specifically to your needs, since every Admin has their own idea about how to run things. Some people are downright mean to new visitors and have no patience with new players, others are more than happy to "teach you how to play."


I'd practice with bots first until you get the basics (and visit strategy sites like mine) then try your luck. It's really luck of the draw if you get a good server, and you may need to go through a "trial by fire" in some cases.


If you meant some place to learn how to host servers, I would visit the 'Dedicated Server' forum and read up on past hot topics about how to do stuff, and then ask your questions that weren't answered. Some helpful people over there.


3. IS there a MOD that makes the DUAL lightsabre's single s sabre option as versatile as the STANDARD sabre? (i.e. clicking Lightsabre Style key switches between DUAL. SINGLE FAST, SINGLE MEDIUM & SINGLE STRONG?)


To my knowledge no, there is no mod that gives you all saber stances together. For balancing purposes the Staff and Duals were given each one unique stance and one stance taken from single saber (but not the most powerful Strong stance). Having four stances would make these weapons simply too powerful, and would leave little reason to select the single saber (since you would get all the power of single with duals/staff and single would be left with one LESS stance to fight with).


I have seen mods that change the 1 extra stance Dual/Staff has (say, to Strong, or something), but that's about it. These are small mods, but I have never seen them being used in MP.


4. How come on the JA demo, when I pulled a SABER STAFF SWIRL, I was able to turn 360 degrees while it was playing out - but on the full version I can't? (I certainly can't multiplayer?)


The Demo is newer than the 1.00 game (it's but not as new as the 1.01 patch for the full game. The Demo is SINGLE PLAYER ONLY, meaning it follows the Single Player Rules.


Notice in the full game, in Single Player you can execute some moves you never can in Multiplayer, like spinning crazily during a lot of the saber special moves, like the DFA. You can even walk around during moves that would leave you frozen in place in MP.


Single Player is all about flash and "incremental improvements" as the levels go on, as a reward for progressing. Multiplayer is all about balance. To get a good benefit you have to earn it through powerups, or you have to sacrafice (give up) some other benefit in order to have another one. This is why the moves are different.


If a move seems "weak" or "limited" in MP, it was done that way for a reason. Likewise many SP moves (like the Long Jump and various slo-mo effects, and some of the spinning kicks and such) are removed from MP. While I prefer the MP style of play, some people liked SP so much they have resorted to adding the moves "back in" in Mods. This of course greatly destroyed the balance of the game setup by Raven Software, but each to his own I guess.


This isn't a unique phenomena to Jedi Academy. Jedi Outcast was the same way (MP & SP being different on purpose).


Suffice to say, you can't spin with the Twirl moves (you are stationary, can't even turn) in MP, and this is normal.


Hope that helps you!

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thank you so much for your reply.


i made a mess of one of the questins - I mean t, specifically, a MOD for the STAFF saber that added FAST & STRONG to the saber styles (not DUAL - that was me gettign it wrong). But I see your answer has covered that eventuallity. Of course you are right - no one would select the single sabre.


I have been surprised by how much the single saber rules the online world. It's that JUMP & STRONG killing downstroke - everybody goes for a quick kill?


Mind you I'm not much of a fighter.


I trained for minths on the demo, working my way up to fighting MASTER JEDI bots. But I am no way preparewd to go up against the living!


? How do I add your server site to my list of Server providers in game?



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Make a few binds



In most servers, if you type



/saber single_1


it gives you single





/saber single_1 single_1


gives you duals (two)





/saber dual_5


gives you staff








/bind f1 "saber single_1"

/bind f2 "saber single_1 single_1"

/bind f3 "dual_5"




Hitting f1 gives you single

f2 gives duals

f3 gives staff



Note: This works out of duels only. While in a duel, you are stuck with your current saber until the duel is over.

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Originally posted by Jade Kan DeLarb

thank you so much for your reply.


i made a mess of one of the questins - I mean t, specifically, a MOD for the STAFF saber that added FAST & STRONG to the saber styles (not DUAL - that was me gettign it wrong). But I see your answer has covered that eventuallity. Of course you are right - no one would select the single sabre.


I have been surprised by how much the single saber rules the online world. It's that JUMP & STRONG killing downstroke - everybody goes for a quick kill?


Mind you I'm not much of a fighter.


I trained for minths on the demo, working my way up to fighting MASTER JEDI bots. But I am no way preparewd to go up against the living!


? How do I add your server site to my list of Server providers in game?




Don't worry, we all start somewhere. I'd suggest a look over my strategy page too. However all of the basic saber moves are in the manual and in the in-game sections under "rules" (has a visual demonstration of the moves too).


As to adding a server to favorites, just write down the IP. Then go into the in-game server browser and change the filter above to "Favorites." Then click below on "add favorite" and type in the IP, : and then the port number.


Like so:


xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:29070 (or whatever it is, fill in your info here).


Okay, boom you're set. Refresh and if it's up, you're good to go. Remember to click on "favorites" again to view favorites or "Internet" to go back to normal.

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you've all been so friendly and helpful. i really appreciate it. Indeed, I'm overwhelmed by how lovely and informative you all are! Some of these reponses must have taken real time to put together - thanks.


Just responding to the response about Saber Staff Twirl; I take on board what you are saying but I'm a bit put out about the fact that the Saber Staff Twirl roots you to the spot in MP. It not only renders the move virtually useless in MP, it's actually a disaster if you pull it by accident because you are a sitting duck for strikes from 270 degrees. I think it the S.P. version of Staff.S.Twirl should be in the MP game, because players are very unlikely to stay still for long enough for it to be used for offence, and it's more handy as a quick defensive posture when on the receiving end of a frenzied beating - a defence that can only work when you can turn to counter the attacking enemy. I think the designers are being squeamish if they think it's too powerful - I mean - it's not like you can RUN towards the enemy while pulling the move - you have to crouch, albeit breifly, in a very undefendable position before pulling the move - and unless you are very careful, a good attacker can still jump over and behind you and attack you from behind before you would have time to react? It's not an invincibale move by any means.


Okay guys, I know. I'm a bit of a whiny beginner, ain't I? Of course the reasion I want the SP version of S.S.Twirl is because it's one of my favourites for self defense in SP. Maybe if I'd been on the recieving end of a SABER STAFF TWIRL 360 degree move pulled by an expert I would be whining to a different tune! But now the move is not just redundant, it's a liability. And that's a shame, 'cos 360 or rooted, it's a bueatiful looking move.

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KURGAN - when you say - pratice for a month - on MP - you mean against live players, right? (I wil do some with the bots u mention too.) I only ask because some server players seem a little hostile to new players. sometimes they're just kidding around, I think - but it would be good if there was an established hierarchy of sites and you could graduate to harder levels - maybe winning password entries into tougher sites? (Yeah, I know. I'm an idealist, not a realist. Who would want to provide a Beginners Server? Well maybe I would, one day...?)




#includes sabre moves page


I was a little put out that the Staff comes in for so much Stick (Hur Hur)


I love the staff because it encourages feminine, balletic graceful combat moves; rather than the more masculine, clod hopping, woefully clumsy looking broad strokes of the repeated STRONG / single Saber strokes. (The sight of standard skin chrs from the star wars series lurching towards me in an ungainly fashion, big red ole sabre slashing empty air Lumberjack stylee is only offset by the eventual damning overhead "bully" blow that takes out 75 armour & 100 health.)


I see though that #include is here to set the record straight. I will try to learn from this - if I can get my PC to stop playing his vids with the Media Player (which means I can't see it!). Any helpers?

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You may need to grab the Defiler codec pack from http://hellninjacommando.com/defilerpak/ and install it.


This should help you with the videos. If not, just uninstall it and you'll be no worse off than you were before.


As to servers that tolerate beginners, well that's luck of the draw.


My server (IP in my sig below) is open to "noobs" and veteran players alike. We don't care if you're good or not as long as you play the game.



And as for training in MP, yes, I mean playing against bots or humans. I say this because SP (Single Player) is completely different than MP. The force, weapons, movement, damage, timing, etc. are different in each mode. So you should practice what you are going to play!



Also I would suggest grabbing the OJP Basic 007beta6 mod from here . It will give you better bots to train against and some nice features too (it's the mod I use on my server). Doesn't mess with the gameplay, only tweaks and fixes, like a new patch for the game!


When you download it, unzip and extract all the files to your Gamedata/base/ folder (double check to make sure it really went there, because I've had some problems in the past). Then start up the game and you're good to go! (You'll know it's working if you can go into the custom Jedi setup and click on "RGB" to have sliders that let you choose any color for their clothes, as well as choose black, white or other colored sabers).


The OJP pk3 should be in the same directory as your "assets" pk3 files.

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Thanks as always.


Uh oh - hav ebeen asked for a passwprd to stick this file in Gamedata. And guess what - it says - "this is a Raed Only file". Where have we heard that before? (I hadn't got around to sorting out the mess from last week yet - this READ ONLY biz)


Is this normal?




PS - Kurgen - two things - one; i tried to log onto your Host site today, adn couldn't - was it not on earlier as the website warns, or have I done something wrong? (Doh!)


Next up - is there a guide to some of the gaming terminology? Like Spamming? (=button mashing?)

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Spamming is just wild spammarific button mashing type attacks....OR doing the same attack over and over.


Sweeping is where you do left/right swings over and over with duals, staff, or blue/yellow stance in single.



Kata is the "big ole special move" each saber has.


Twirl is the crouch, forward, attack move for duals and staff.


Lunge is the same but for single.


Butterfly is a duals/staff move where, well, they kind of jump into the air horizontally and twist and whatnot. It does a lot of damage.


DFA means death from above. It's the red stance or yellow stance special when you do forward, jump, and attack.


Laming means attacking someone unarmed (ie no saber out). It also means attacking someone who is chatting. In other words, it's attacking someone that doesn't want to fight. It's a general rule on almost every server. Don't lame or admins may punish you.


Hope this helps!

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Originally posted by Jade Kan DeLarb

Thanks as always.


Uh oh - hav ebeen asked for a passwprd to stick this file in Gamedata. And guess what - it says - "this is a Raed Only file". Where have we heard that before? (I hadn't got around to sorting out the mess from last week yet - this READ ONLY biz)


Right click on the file (in windows), and select "properties." Then UNcheck the box that says "read only" and hit apply & ok. Now you should be able to move the file. There shouldn't be any passwords on it.


PS - Kurgen - two things - one; i tried to log onto your Host site today, adn couldn't - was it not on earlier as the website warns, or have I done something wrong? (Doh!)


If you visit my website http://strategy.jediknight.net/jka/server_status.shtml and you see the server is up, then it should be up. Keep trying until you can get in. Unless of course you live in some part of the world or have such a connection that your ping is simply too high to join. In which case I'm sorry. : (


Next up - is there a guide to some of the gaming terminology? Like Spamming? (=button mashing?)


When people say "spamming" they often are just sore losers, who get mad if you kill them the same way twice. In reality it refers to doing the same move or power or weapon over and over and over, etc.


As to "spamming" certain force powers or saber moves, this is only possible thanks to admins of servers making it so you have virtually unlimited Force mana (g_forceregentime 0, note the default and proper setting is 200!). So it's the admin's own fault if he uses this setting and people "spam" on his server. In competative gaming, "spamming" shouldn't matter at all. If a player can use the same move over and over and his opponents can't adapt to it, maybe it is showing their own lack of skill, more than it's showing the alleged "spammer"'s lack of imagination.


Though of course any competitive ladder or server that has forceregentime set at 0 is just asking for trouble. It unbalances the Dark/Lightside dynamic and the merc/Jedi dynamic.


'Laming' as well is generally a word cooked up and used by sore losers and those with bad attitude. Nobody uses it on my server except as a joke and gets taken seriously. Real servers don't care if you "lame" somebody, but there are sadly a lot of servers who do care and will "ban" (make it so you can't re-join) you as a result. It's often used as an excuse to remove players from a server that are beating them. : (


More often people will yell "lamer" when they are upset about getting killed by you.


Due to the wide use/abuse of this term, when somebody uses it on me, I will ask "HOW am I laming?" and see what they say. If they're not the admin and the admin doesn't care, I just ignore them.


gg = good game. Something you say at the end of the game to show you're a good sport (even if you didn't win).


gj = good job. When somebody does something good. Good sports even use it when someone gets a good kill on them.


g1 / n1 = good one, nice one. same as above.


gtg = "got to go" somebody is about to leave the game. Sometimes people say this and still try to get a few more kills first, so watch out!


wtf = what the f$#@?? An expression of vulgar surprise and/or disgust. Often used when a funny bug in the game happens or somebody is about to start whining because they are losing.


lag = the game is lagging for somone. Sometimes used as an excuse for somebody losing.


afk = away from keyboard. This means the person is probably going to be standing around for awhile and expects not to get killed (see "Laming"). Sadly a lot of people don't have the common courtesy to go into spectator mode, and so they do this and get killed, then come back and get whiny.


admin = the person in charge of the server, and usually the person who "owns" it. They make and enforce whatever rules they want. Some admins are good, some are rude and nasty. Hopefully you find out that is good!


honor = some made up rules used on some servers that change based on the whims of the admin. Generally it means you're only supposed to saber duel certain people at certain times and "bow" or some such. You'll have to ask the admin about this, since as I said each person has his own idea about what this word really means, and may get furious if people don't obey it to the letter on their server. Other servers laugh at "honor" and don't care (like mine).



"<name> you are the 5443 person I have killed. I have killed you 53 times." - this person is using a program called a "Killtracker" or "auto replier." These annoying programs "chart" a player's progress in an arbitrary fashion by counting kills. It then broadcasts this information to every player, in an obnoxious fashion. Many servers (like mine) put restrictions on their use, because they are so annoying. Generally it's considered rude to use them in any game mode other than Free For All (and even then with reservations), because in other game modes individual points are less important, and nobody cares if you got some points in a previous "match." Killtrackers can "keep score" for a person and still be turned "silent" (silence mode) and usually this is the best thing to do out of courtesy to the other players.


There's my rant. ; )

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FAO Kurgen -




When you download it, unzip and extract all the files to your Gamedata/base/ folder (double check to make sure it really went there, because I've had some problems in the past). Then start up the game and you're good to go! (You'll know it's working if you can go into the custom Jedi setup and click on "RGB" to have sliders that let you choose any color for their clothes, as well as choose black, white or other colored sabers).








or have I just got confused?


The OJP pk3 should be in the same directory as your "assets" pk3 files.

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