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[TSL] [No spoiler maybe] Please help, I really don't want to play again!!


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Hello. I really need help about my problem.

Too complicated to expalin with my English.. but :( read please!!


First I'm done with meeting every master jedi of other planets

but Nar sharrda.


Once I landed on Nar sharda, the Event occured just when I moved away from Ebon hawk.

- about that Atton said I got message from Exchange leader

or, anyway you may know what this event is.

(meet the learder at Jek'jek bar?)


But at the time, I loaded quicksave and was going to go back to Ebon hawk

and do something.


so when I entered Ebon hawk, at the same time, very beginning of this event occured that Atton said "I got message from blah blah --- " just this one sentence but it was skipped

and I was appeard inside of Ebon.


after that there's no any occurences about this event!

I just can move anywhere on Nar shada with my party.

there's nothing in journal about this.


So I think I'm stuck in middle of playing TSL.


I'm really dispressed now becos I really want to continue playing after stories.


and I don't want to make me play Tsl all again from start.



Please help me, is there anyone got same problem with this?


I really want to cry :(



*I would be happy if there were any more Romances with Atton. *heh

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