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Sound Issue


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The standard questions apply: What OS are you using? Have you downloaded the patch (found at grimfandango.net)? If you're running 2000 or XP, then the problems are a result of incompatibility with the OS, and I'm not sure how to fix them. Keep in mind also that if your computer processor runs over 500Mhz then the patch is basically mandatory. I'm not sure what to do to make the game run right in XP or 2000, however. I'm hoping someone will be able to fill me in :(

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  • 2 weeks later...

I got the same problem, and i tried this solution. Go to the GRIMFANDANGO.EXE file proprietes (right click on it) then set the compatibility. There must be something like "Run the program in compatibilty for.." then choose Win95 or Win98. This solves the problem but that gives to me another one, makes the fmv go very slowly.

I hope you understand my words.

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Thanks!! That advice quickly ended the problem, but like you said, now all cutscenes are really slow(not just FMV's, little scenes like Glottis coming in and out of the shack too). I hope you don't think I'm asking for too much, but any advice on fixing it?

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