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Few questions...

Excalibur Bane

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Originally posted by Excalibur Bane

1. What's the point of the overlay slot on Robes? I haven't seen anything you can fit in it that can be made at the workbench.


2. Which behavior lets droids use their special weapons like flamethrowers, ion blasters, etc?


Just curious. Anyone who could help out, would be appreciated. :)

1. That slot is built into the upgrade GUI. You can't use it, but you can't take it away either. In other bug related news, for some strange reason you can upgrade robes with the armorply II overlay (not sure on the name. It's the +1 Reflex, +4 Stealth one). None of the other work :(


2. Not sure what you mean. Force powers, droid items, stims, etc are usually found in Spells.2da if that's what you're asking.

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Originally posted by Achilles

2. Not sure what you mean. Force powers, droid items, stims, etc are usually found in Spells.2da if that's what you're asking.

I think it's actually how in KotOR you could select your Party member's AI to have Jedi Support, Droid Support, etc.


Much like the Aggresive, Ranged, Stationary actions in TSL, but I too noticed that "Droid" wasn't specifically called on. Sucks too, I'd much rather have the droids use their weaponry without having to manually do it during a battle...


On another note, I'll have to check that overlay trick out for the robes Achilles...thanks for the heads up! :D

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