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Getting A Lightsaber?


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Because I didn't get my lightsaber until late in the game (the first time I played through) I cheated to get all the parts to make a lightsaber but Bao-Dur doesn't recognize it even though it is in my inventory. Do you have to go to a certain planet first? Why won't he recognize it? I can cheat to get a lightsaber but I cannot upgrade it because the workbench doesn't recognize the lightsaber. Weird.

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The upgrade items are not the same as the components. For instance you may have found an upgrade lens, or an upgrade emitter, etc, but that's not the same as the actual lightsaber component.


You should get the first part from Chodo on Telos, however you will get the last two on the next planet that you go to (doesn't matter which one)


As for not being able to upgrade, I imagine that a global is set when you finally build your saber which allows you access to the workbench GUI for lightsabers. If you never got all 3 parts, then the global was never set, and so on.


I hope that helps.

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Be nice Monty.

But yeah, if you had waited to get your parts then I have little doubt you would not have the problems you have now.


Alot of this games coding seems to revolve around global actions that get really messed up if you do anything that confuses it. Which is why so many people have these glitches where they get stuck in the Ebon Hawke or Stuck after a cutscene. This game isnt as Mod friendly as the first.

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Well, that's okay. I already played through the game once so I just wanted to cheat so I could try everything. Unfortunately, there do seem to be a number of bugs. At one point I could not increase my level unless I used the "auto level up." I have found that I can now upgrade lightsabers that I find in the game, but not the ones that I got by cheating. Apparently, Lucas doesn't like cheaters.

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Originally posted by ChAiNz.2da

Or doesn't like to be "shown up" by modders who are better than his staff of developers ;)

I'm glad someone said it. :)


Re: The lightsaber problems:

If you add a lightsaber by cheating now does it let you upgrade them? I'm surprised that the game can keep track of the lightsabers that were added before you legitimately got to the point when you were supposed to have one.

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