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Characters from Kotor I


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Originally posted by JediConsularAD

carth does feature in the game as an admiral who is supposed to collect you from prison on telos but you never actually meet him in person but you can get his original blaster eventually, as for bastilla i don't think you do meet her again.


Well, you do actually get to "talk" to Carth (I was LS at the time) and you can question him about Revan... after you leave, Bastila walks up to Carth and a mini dialogue/cutscene between the two occurs where she asks Carth if the Exile knew anything of Revan....


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Originally posted by ChAiNz.2da

Well, you do actually get to "talk" to Carth (I was LS at the time) and you can question him about Revan... after you leave, Bastila walks up to Carth and a mini dialogue/cutscene between the two occurs where she asks Carth if the Exile knew anything of Revan....

When does it happen?

And how you get it to happen?

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I believe it happens once you destroy the Ravenger. Just before you're sent to Malachor V for the "final showdown"...But it did happen in my game. Wether or not I triggered a certain global I'm not sure....


Again, I was playing LS, not sure if this happens if you play Darkside...


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Originally posted by ChAiNz.2da

I believe it happens once you destroy the Ravenger. Just before you're sent to Malachor V for the "final showdown"...But it did happen in my game. Wether or not I triggered a certain global I'm not sure....


Again, I was playing LS, not sure if this happens if you play Darkside...

I was LS Male. You were playing female?

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Originally posted by Darth_ToMeR

I was LS Male. You were playing female?

Nope. LS Male Guardian/Weapons Master.


Though I'm still not sure what exactly I may have done to trgger this. Considering the whole game is nothing but random this and that, It could've been any one of the hundreds of conversation triggers and such.


Again, I'm not sure if this is before or after the Ravenger, but it happened during either of those 2 instances. I'll have to look over my savegames when I get home and I can tell you for sure at which point it happened...


My first run through has 120 different Save Games! I can test my mods pretty much anywhere hehehe...

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I think this is right:



It happens at the beginning of the game when Atton tells you about Revan. He says he was a dark jedi or something like that, but you can respond "Revan was a Jedi Knight" - that would make Revan LS - thus not killing Carth. Stupid Sequence, I remained neutral in the discussion, since I was completely oblivious to this.


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This is what is known by me (and it would be helpful for everyone if anyone with more info could post more) (Oh and BIG-O spoilers below):




If you set Revan as a LS Male then you get to speak with Carth and Bastila after the Ravager. Carth tells you to tell Revan he did as Revan asked. Bastila asks Carth "Does he know?" (and I have no idea what she refers to).


If you set Revan as LS Female then you speak to Carth and he says to tell Revan that "Carth Onassi waits for her" (cheese warning there, but it sent shivers through me).


If you set Revan DS Male then you can blow open the door in the Sith Academy on Korriban and the holocron in there still works and it is Bastila (I do not know if Bastila is there for the DS Female Revan too, as an apprentice not a lover maybe, could be - needs confirmation).


As a LS male I got T3 to play a message of Carth. He didn't play it for me as a darksider saying he was "worried" about me. And I have read that others have got a message of Bastila from T3. I don't know the triggers. It could be the same message but for male/female Player characters or male/female Revans. Don't know, needs confirmation. What I DO know is that I got a message from Carth with a LS Exile after fixing T3 up for the last time. Oh and I have also read that others have gotten the Bastila recording with very little influence over T3 but with an INT of 15, I haven't tried it, needs confirmation.


And the last one I know of is the cave on Korriban, with bastila and Malak.


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Originally posted by montnoir

This is what is known by me (and it would be helpfull if anyone with more info could post more) (Oh and BIG-O spoilers below):




If you set Revan as a LS Male then you get to speak with Carth and Bastila after the Ravager. Carth tells you to tell Revan he did as Revan asked. Bastila asks Carth "Does he know?" (and I have no idea what she refers to).

Please refresh my memory from KOTOR I. From what I remember, don't you have the option to kill Bastilla on the Star Forge if you are LS? I can see them bringing back Carth, because he lives no matter what path you choose . . . he makes a run for it if you choose dark side. The droids and Canderous also follow you no matter what path you take. But Bastilla, Mission, Jolee, Juhani and Zaalbar all have the potential to die, therefore, bringing them back would be contradictory if you killed them in the first game.

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Originally posted by SoCal_B

Please refresh my memory from KOTOR I. From what I remember, don't you have the option to kill Bastilla on the Star Forge if you are LS? I can see them bringing back Carth, because he lives no matter what path you choose . . . he makes a run for it if you choose dark side. The droids and Canderous also follow you no matter what path you take. But Bastilla, Mission, Jolee, Juhani and Zaalbar all have the potential to die, therefore, bringing them back would be contradictory if you killed them in the first game.

That's where your beginning dialogue with Atton comes into play. Depending on what lines you pick in the dialogue (you should pick accordingly with how you played in KotOR). The game "fleshes" out the proper sequences of the game.

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Your choices in KOTOR 1 were many and varied, they couldn't account for them all, now could they?


They took the most obvious one (Revan - Sith or Jedi?) and left it at that.


Bastila is a solid character with a huge fan-base and was the most infuential character of KOTOR 1 besides Revan. Bringing her back, makes perfect sense.

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It makes sense from a popularity standpoint, but not from a continuity standpoint. Personally, I would have loved to have seen Bastilla in this sequel, much more than Carth. However, if you killed her on the star forge, then it wouldn't make sense to see her here. Nor would it make sense for the Exile to be pursued as the last of the Jedi if Bastilla is around.


This is all speculation on my part, I was just responding to one of the spoilers above (I haven't seen this particular one myself yet). Has anyone else come across that scene?

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Ok, how many killed Bastila as a male LS player in KOTOR 1(on your FIRST playthrough, mind you)? I don't think Bastila is such an obvious death. Quite the contrary.



I agree with you with the continuity bit as the Exile is hounded as the last jedi and Bastila isn't even in hiding, she is just sitting around on Citadel Station and she is one of the most famous Jedi there are (at least in KOTOR1, due to that Battle Meditation thang, she's got going on). Nevertheless, she appears after The Ravager, with Carth if you set Revan as a LS Male (could be that Exile must be LS also).


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Thanks for that tip. I played with LS female for Revan. I wonder if there is a way to use the KSE to change that choice. I'm way too lazy to go back through the whole game just for that one spot!

***It worked. I changed Revan's sex to male in a saved game using the KSE tool and voila!***

Regarding killing Bastilla on the Star Forge, my point was that it just adds to the potential contradictions that the developers would have to address should they choose to bring those characters back (if they were potentially killed in the first game). Too many of those "back from the dead" incidents and it begins to feel like a really bad soap opera. I am still put off by the original SW, when Obi-Wan tells Luke that Vader betrayed and murdered his father . . . ooops, big re-write for Empire Strikes Back on that one.

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