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Having a Prob With TSF Bounties....


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ok.. theres the bounty with the criminals right. well i saw them in the Czerka offices, and they ran... i reported that to the TSF Chief.... and in my frist game i fought them on Telos's surface.... well this time they were not there :-( now i got that cursed quest in my log still uncompleted and can't even lie to the Chief that i killed them :-(



is there a way i can use KSE to tell my savegame that i completed that quest or at least set it to the criminals being dead so i can cash the quest in? im sure its in booleans or numerics somewhere cept thats almost all greek to me... some i understand and none of that remotely applies to that quest....


if anyone with a bit more experiance can take a look at the scripting to find the triggers i would be appreciative....

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I've been through that part of the game three times now, and have yet to encounter the criminals on Telos. The first time through, I didn't see them in the Cserka office (no idea what the requirements are; I think I may have gone through the Ithorian compound first. Maybe that breaks the quest). The second time, I encountered them, and reported to Lt. Grenn that they had fled to the restoration zone - didn't see them there. The third time through I encountered them and didn't report to Lt. Grenn - didn't see them on Telos.


I did discover that you can tell Lt. Grenn that you killed them and this completes the quest (no DS points for the lie either - although it doesn't show up as a "lie" in the dialogue tree).



One question - where exactly do you encounter them on Telos?

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