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Very quick question.


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Simple yes or no will do. I am considering buying the game for xbox, but before I do, I want to know if you can continue playing with your character after you beat the game.

This question is the entire reason I joined this fourm. I'd appreciate a timely response. Thanks.

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for a very story-driven game, its 30-40 hrs long depending on how much you get into the sidequests and stuff. making the game open-ended like that would be kinda weird with the story, and it would make it last even longer.


but trust me, you should still get this game whether or not its open-ended or not. just play the first Kotor before TSL. IMHO, its better that way. ;)

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Originally posted by stingerhs

for a very story-driven game, its 30-40 hrs long depending on how much you get into the sidequests and stuff. making the game open-ended like that would be kinda weird with the story, and it would make it last even longer.


but trust me, you should still get this game whether or not its open-ended or not. just play the first Kotor before TSL. IMHO, its better that way. ;)


I agree the game has a lot of replayability.

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Yeah, I played the first game through over the past few days, and was hooked. I had a blast. So I probably will get the sequel sometime this week.

Only reason I was asking, I finished the game without finishing a lot of the side quests, so it was a little frustrating to have the game just end.

Thanks for the responses.

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