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Hi all of you. I would like to know if the INT stat grants access to more complex dialogues. Like when im talking to kreia, sometimes is says INT:Failure. If i increase my INT stat will i be able to access the conversation or it is according to the plot? THX

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Originally posted by Zebedeu

Hi all of you. I would like to know if the INT stat grants access to more complex dialogues. Like when im talking to kreia, sometimes is says INT:Failure. If i increase my INT stat will i be able to access the conversation or it is according to the plot? THX

Yes, increasing the stats will allow the "check" to succeed. Other Abilities to note as far as dialogue goes... (these aren't in order of importance ;) )


1. Awareness

2. Wisdom

3. Persuade

4. Intelligence

5. Influence

6. Repair

7. Demolitions

8. Computer


These have been the options I've ran into during the course of the game. If anyone else has seen other abilities 'checked' please update the list :D


and welcome to the Forums! :)

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Thank you. My question now is, is it worthy? I´ve already spent 4 points in INT and have now 16, how much more will i need to pass all the INT "checks" with my force bond(i think it´s kreia, right?)? Until now i´ve not seen any wisdom neither demolitions checks in dialogue... And will my INT allow not only to pass checks but also to have other options of dialogue? Or will i always have only good/drak options? I remember in Fallout INT really mattered in dialogues...


sorry my english and thx

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Originally posted by Zebedeu

Thank you. My question now is, is it worthy? I´ve already spent 4 points in INT and have now 16, how much more will i need to pass all the INT "checks" with my force bond(i think it´s kreia, right?)? Until now i´ve not seen any wisdom neither demolitions checks in dialogue... And will my INT allow not only to pass checks but also to have other options of dialogue? Or will i always have only good/drak options? I remember in Fallout INT really mattered in dialogues...


sorry my english and thx

It really depends. Most of the checks deal with different dialogue options, or more plainly makes your PC look like he/she isn't totally 'clueless' ;)


If you have a 16 in INT right now, I personlly wouldn't go any higher unless you just want more skill points when you level up. 16 was the max I put into my PC's thus far and have been able to accomplish the game with ease AND open alot of dialogues...

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why is it an irony? Intelligence (at least the concept) has nothing to do with spelling... But anyway, i´ve 16 and i still get a failure "check" with kreia... is it because i´m too goodie? Is influence related? When i ask if her knew atris or raven (and all the other questions) i still get a failure "check"... Thx

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Asking about Revan and other questions requires Influence. INT would only be required if the dialog option requires it.


For example, an option that needs INT would look like:

[intelligence] Why are you here?


An option that requires the repair skill would look like:

[Repair] Alright T3, time for a checkup.


However, it doesn't do this for influece. It's either you have it, or you don't. So it'll be a success or failure depending on your influence with the character if you want them to reveal sensitive information.

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But when i ask her something like "Did you know Atris" i get a reply like "[intelligence:Failure] We will talk about that later (or someting)"... So what you are saying is that it´s a warming of failure in getting Intel and not a warming that my INT stat is not high enough for her to reveal the information... I see... Thank you.

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Are you sure it was Intelligence? I thought all her dialog options to her(except one critical one) involved Influence.


So you would get:

[influence: Failure] I don't want to talk about that right now (or something).


Sorry if I'm wrong, it's been awhile since I've played...

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Originally posted by Zebedeu

IIIrrrrrkkkkk!!!! Oppssss.... I´m so sorry, you are absolutely right... I only wished i had a hole big enough for me now... Thank you and at least i know i shouldn´t spend 6 stat poits in a jedi guardian next time ;)

Don't get too embarassed; intelligence does open the odd dialogue with Kreia

example springs to mind of you and her talking about the destruction of Visas' homeworld


Originally posted by Derc

Are you sure it was Intelligence? I thought all her dialog options to her(except one critical one) involved Influence.

Am I talking about the same exception you mentioned or is it something else I can't remember?

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