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stealth feat? and then some...


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hey guys. i just finished my kotor 2 ls campaign (what a let down. o well)

so now im starting my 2nd game as a sentinel-sith assassin.


now my question is that, is stealth important as a feat?

ill also end up increasing treat injury as well since i wont be able to use heal that good =P.


better yet any advice on what build to make for a sentinel-sith assassin?

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Dexterity to the max.


Many will agree that a high dexterity (Using the Finesse Lightsaber feat) is a very good way to build your assassin/watchmen.

Your defense will be very good, and your attack rating will be very high, which inturn increases your ability to deflect blaster shots.


Stealth is somewhat of a let down in terms of usefullness.

It requires you to be in solo mode and many of the tougher enemies you will face start with a cutscene acknowledging your presence. Which in turn renders stealth useless. However, Sneak attack still works if your are attacking from behind your opponent or while the opponent cannot attack you (While stunned for instance) so having a very high sneak attack ability will help increase your damage if you stun your opponents first.

Due to being in stealth mode and solo, it leaves you alone for a few seconds until your party catches up, and that can be very bad if you are counting on their aid. The Stealth Run feat is not important unless you are in a hurry to get somewhere while using stealth.

The goodnews about stealth is you can place mines and do an assortment of non aggressive things without it breaking your invisibility. So you could set mines around your enemies before attacking them. Takes longer and the outcome really isnt worth the trouble in my opinion. I prefer the old tried and true method of bumrushing my opponent in a blaze of glory.


Assassin/watchmen is a pretty bland class if you ask me. It doesnt have the flash or flare of a Marauder/Weaponmaster nor the complete domination of force ability of a Master/Sith lord. Its a good class mind you, just not very impressive in comparison.

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Originally posted by lukeiamyourdad

I disagree. It gives the player the chance of trying another type of gameplay.


If bosses does not detect you, it would be really anti-climactic.


They should have given you the ability to insta-kill your opponent when you're in stealth mode.



I really missed that 'option' after playing NWN for so long... I just looooved seeing the "Coup De Grace" floating text :dev11:

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It really would have lengthened the game's replayability if alot more of the quests could be solved using stealth. Deep of choices are what define a good roleplaying game. Sadly, KOTOR 2 lacks them. As far as I can tell, there is "Sure I'll help, just tell me what to do." and "Time to die." options for solving quests.


Here's hoping the third game has alot more depth to it with this new engine that they are supposedly getting ready.

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Well, since Stealth can only be used once in battle, it's not really relevent in the larger ones.


And there's really only one place where you can use it effectively(to pass the mines on Dxun)...


But it is another way to play the game. To take a Metal Gear/Splinter Cell approach.

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In an ideal game, there should have been an extra level of Stealth granted only to the Watchman/Assassin - a 'Stealth Battle' feat. If the opponent cannot pass a check on your stealth ability, then you have the option of attacking them while in Stealth mode. That way, if you really maxed out your stealth, you could take out a whole gang of enemies while still maintaining your invisibility. Sneak attack would still apply, and even moreso...every enemy that couldn't pass a check would be a victim of sneak attack because you wouldn't lose your invisibilty during battle. That would be pretty sweet.

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