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Kurgan's New Wishlist of OJP features/fixes for 7Beta7 & beyond


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Well, here's a list of stuff that I've probably mentioned, but put here for Razor's convenience and approval, in order of how much I hope he'll work on them! ; )


1) Make elevators crush dropped guns in short order, so they won't get clogged in CTF. (I know you're working on this, but this is one of the first things I'd love to see fixed!). Not a problem in siege, but big problem in other modes.


2) Fix the Bot Routing on Siege Hoth. (I know you're working on this one too).


3) Fix voting (especially kick voting). This includes teamvoting. Some other mods have fixed it so that a majority of players don't need to vote for something to pass. If only a percentage of the HUMANS in the game vote, it should still pass if enough voted. Like, don't count a vote of 0 to 1 as passing (unless there is only 1 human of course) but you get the idea. Many people don't know how to vote or don't pay attention so votes to kick problem players never pass.


4) Make it so that Humans and Bots are balanced across teams. Ie: have the option for the admin to force an equal number of humans and bots on each team (say, 2 humans vs. 2 humans), to prevent one team having a huge disadvantage from having all bots.


5) Make it so that Bot_minplayers is unaffected by "connecting" (CNCT) players (the ones who have a dash after their name instead of a ping because they are still loading the game up). A lot of team imbalances would be fixed if bots were there and joining players weren't counted until they were actually in the game.


6) Fix Cannon Kill Messages. This one is really minor. But the big white cannons on Siege Hoth kill players and give a goofed up message. <name> was killed by NONE?. This happens even if the person is running the client side OJP mod in their base folder. Change it to "<name> was blasted by a Laser Turret" or a "Laser Cannon."


7) Make it possible for Hoth bots to destroy the shield generator by themselves. I realize this is a biggie and has no one easy solution.


8) Fix the "team color bug" in CTF. This one has plagued the game for some time, but if this was fixed (in addition to the weapons clogging elevators bug) CTF would finally be playable again. Sometimes a bot will appear to be on a team he really isn't (with team damage off you can't destroy him, since he's 'really' on your team, but the wrong color in game and in the score table). You said this might be related to bots losing their 'tags.'



I realize that's a lot of stuff, but this is my "wishlist" so hope that helps. These would greatly improve the mod for siege/ctf hosting!

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1. Please make the Linux server-side version of the beta available.


2. If you really want to capture the CTF community, make an optional client that has a scoreboard that looks exactly like this




Many CTF players would love a mod that has a scoreboard that includes kills, deaths, caps, and returns. If you added steals, suicides (death by MOD_SUICIDE) and real deaths (deaths - deaths by MOD_SUICIDE) they would be in heaven. You can read a discussion of the dream CTF scoreboard here http://www.chopshopservers.com/forums/viewtopic.php?p=5601#5601

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Originally posted by razorace

like what?


See here:


Originally posted by razorace

- Fix bug wherein bots acquire fake "999" or "0" pings (typically the former) after a forced team balance switch of a human.


- Fix bots joining but not actually spawning into the game (and acquiring identical fake scores) after a human joins spectator mode.


- Don't count Spectators when doing the auto team balancing.


All those were fixed as of 007beta6, right? I haven't seen them crop up thus far. So you can check them off your list, unless there's still some problem with them.

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