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Charactar Creation?


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Hi, I was wondering what the best way is to build (up) your character


I like power and killing stuff, but i dont want to go to the evil side, How should i train my force powers and what should i use? What is the best and all, on what should i focus?


Pleas give me some feedback :)

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That depends...do you want to focus more on your force abilities, or more on your saber wielding skills? Depending upon which type of attacks you favor, your class, stats and power will be very different.


also, if you like power and killing stuff, it seems to me that you're destined for the dark side...

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Really this is no bad way to build up a character. You are probably going to be successful regardless. So just follow your preferences. If you want to focus more on the lightsaber, stick with the guardian and weapon master classes, and so on.

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Well, Mostly i want to do really good damage with my lightsaber(s) and have some good force skills that kill people, but i don't want to go the evil side, I want to a pure jedi knight =p

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Well my first character build for KOTORII was a Sentinal/Weapon Master. The only time I ever had issues was when I wasn't controlling my PC and was left with characters I wasn't overly fond of,and even then it was only a character going down every so often. even the end game wasn't that big a struggle :D

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Originally posted by Spun

Well, Mostly i want to do really good damage with my lightsaber(s) and have some good force skills that kill people, but i don't want to go the evil side, I want to a pure jedi knight =p

There is nothing stopping you from taking dark side force powers, which are the ones that kill people. However, the more light side you are the greater the penalties are for using them.


Besides, it sounds like you want to play the dark side since all you want to do is kill people.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Originally posted by Prime

There is nothing stopping you from taking dark side force powers, which are the ones that kill people. However, the more light side you are the greater the penalties are for using them.


Besides, it sounds like you want to play the dark side since all you want to do is kill people.


Yup ... lightside wants to kill people :p


Anyway, I played through as a LS Consular Jedi Master. Took force lighting and Master Drain Force (rarely used).


The penalties didn't bother me then because I had a high wisdom modifier and had approx. 1000+ FP's to be used! ;)

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