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Leveling up and Charisma

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In KOTOR it was advantageous for several reasons to wait a few levels before begining to "level up". In this game is are there any reasons to wait as well?


How important is Charisma, I'm a little confused as to what it does besides help you gain influence and some fighting benefits from your party memebers.



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You get your prestige class at level 15 and you can get force powers from the beginning. There is no reason for holding back.

Except for the NPC, you might want to save the levels until you gather enough influence with them to turn them into a Jedi. But it's not always useful to wait.


As for Charisma, it helps your force powers do more damage and gives a bonus to your persuade skill.

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Originally posted by Achilles D'Aix

In KOTOR it was advantageous for several reasons to wait a few levels before begining to "level up". In this game is are there any reasons to wait as well?


How important is Charisma, I'm a little confused as to what it does besides help you gain influence and some fighting benefits from your party memebers.



I personally can't think of a reason of holding levels. In fact, alot of things won't happen until you reach a certain level so it might wind up hurting you more than anything... Not sure if you've played entirely through yet, so I'll not post spoilers... :D


Charisma helps your persuade, influence and Force Effectiveness. One of the better benefits is that it reduces your penalty for using opposite aligned Force Powers. LS with a high Charisma don't suffer as much using Kill or Lightning (etc.) & vice versa. A higher Charisma also extends to your Party members in combat (as you stated). It seems to have more impact in TSL than it did in KotOR that's for sure ;)

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