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NOT turning NPCs to Jedi?


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Is there any undesirable effects from refusing to turn NPCs into Jedi? For example, do you lose influence or otherwise have them become less favorable to the PC?


For some of them like Atton and Bao-Dur, I kind of like them the way they are.


Isn't that sweet of me? :)

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No undesireable effects known.

Matter of fact, some prefer to leave some of their praty members non-jedi because they are more valuable. Such is the fate of one Bao-Dur many times.

When playing a Guardian/Weaponmaster/Marauder type, you dont have the freedom of skill points, and Bao-Dur has them in abundance unless you convert him. So he gets left alone because his skills are more valuable than his combat ability.


Though the only hold back I can come up with is not gathering all the information they have locked in their tiny little brains. The more influence, the more information and as a result, they become Jedi. Unless of course you say you wont train them, then no harm done. You get the goods, they get nada and everything is fine.


Then of course you run into storyline conflicts.


[PRIME EDIT: Spoiler removed]


At anyrate, there is no real downside to leaving them as is. Sometimes its a benefit.

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No undesirable effects.

Unless you go for cosmetic purposes and if you think their personally is fit to be one.


Atton = I dunno, but I find it weird when he weilds a lightsaber...

Bao-Dur = You can keep him as is for his l33t skills.

Handmaiden = She needs to be a Jedi. Period. Normal white clothing + silver double-bladed lightsaber = awesomeness

Mira = Since she's a scout, she'll have those Targeting feats. So she may be better off as a gunner.

Disciple = Might as well make him one. And he's the only one who can be a Consular. Male exiles can't get new consulars.

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If you want your npcs to have their descent skills but you also want them to become jedi alll you have to do is turn them in to a jedi after the 4th planet you visit

peragus-telos- and 2 of dantooine, nar shaddaa, koriban or onderon/dxun,



by this time they will have high enougth skills to do what the skills are needed for (break any lock, etc)

and then they will be enougth of a skilled jedi for the returning to dxun/onderon and telos missions. It is also alot easier to defeat the wookie as jedi mira on malchor when playing LS.


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Atton's kind of a tough one. He doesn't get too many feats as a Scoundrel, and without boosting his INT, his Sniper shot ability is somewhat lacking. His special character only feats work well in either situation, but he can make better use of them in the support Scoundrel role, using blasters. I picked up some implant and some helm that gave range feat bonuses that actually turned him into one very deadly range fighter.


Bao Dur works well as a Jedi with some Tech levels under his belt. But he works just as well with a highly upgraded blaster rifle too. They should have enabled him to become a Consular, he's so much better fitted to it.


Handmaiden and Disciple actually can make some nasty melee characters, or dual blaster chars if you retain their soldier levels. Disciple's very low WIS really hurts him as a Consular.


Handmaiden undoubtedly makes the best Jedi convert though. She transitions into Guardian perfectly.


Mira can go either way. She's at least as effective as Visas and far more versatile then Disciple is. For LS, she's even a bit more effective then Visas if you are boosting Visas' CHA so she can take advantage of her pre-learned DS powers.

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Originally posted by KungFuFerret

Mira can go either way.

:laughing: hee hee.... :fist: *dammit nas77 grow up*...

Erm... what was I saying? Oh yeah, I don't really like turning Atton into a Jedi because we always need a cocky pilot with a blaster, a la Han Solo, and he just loses that facade if he's got the Force. If I'm on the DS I like to give Bao-Dur a double-bladed red saber and pretend he's you know who, but ultimately Handmaiden or Disciple is enough.


Also what's the relationship between INT and sniper shot? How high should INT be for this?

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Sniper Shot uses INT to determine it's stunning capability, unlike Critical Strike, which uses STR.


IIRC, Atton starts off with a 10 INT. Trying to boost it high enough to be significant would take all his attribute points, which isn't worth it imo.


Instead, he's better off pumping CON a bit for level 16 implants, then going dex. He works remarkably well with Rapid Shot.

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Originally posted by Drazin

Same thing.


Actually no, not the same thing.


[PRIME EDIT: Spoiler Removed]


I kno what your thinking, "he exagerating/ he uses tha analogy to much", but my bro was fighting her for 1 hour (NO restarting) because he had to level up so much.

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By same thing I mean, The circumstances do not change.

She is still accused of being a betrayer for going with you at all and she still beats up her sisters and still fights Atris. *btw* did you brother beat Atris with Handmaiden?

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Originally posted by Drazin

I thought I had covered anything that was not readily available knowledge. If I missed something, forgive me. Now quit asking questions you dont want the answers to :swear:

But you can (and for the most part did) answer it without bringing up plot points. :)


Originally posted by Xenocidal

I'll have to agree with drazin (and yes I apologize for what i have posted), but saying that



a character gets easily beaten when not a jedi


is hardly an offense (just saying not trying you pressure or anyone else)

That was not the only spoiler.


In any event, I do not want to turn this into a debate. Just please be aware when you are posting spoilers you should use the spoiler tag. It just avoids having people who haven't finished the game, like me, from learning plot points early.


Thanks you. ;)

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