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Should there have been NPC related side quests? (spoilers)


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In KotOR 1 all the NPCs except the droids and zalbarr had a side quest which you only got if you kept talking to them. When i first heard about the influance system i thought this would have been in it as it would have made more sence. The only two i could see was the turning to jedi and mandalor collecting mandalorians (which you do not get any experiance for). so should they have added more side quest related to your team mate and what should they have been?

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Oh th droids and Zaalbar had sidequests.


Well, it's a main quest for Zaalbar and for the droids it's just gathering enough credits to buy them. But still...


They should have added sidequests. It added more depth to the NPC and gave them a better background, something that TSL's NPCs lack.



I still don't understand why you can't get experience for recruiting mandalorians. It is quite odd.

For Disciple, a sidequest that requires him to seek out knowledge about Jedi artifacts would have been nice.


Maybe a pazaak tournament for Atton.


Murderous rampage for HK.


Something related to the economy for G0-T0.


I'll think about it later.

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Here are some of my ideas for NPC related side quests.



Atton- It should be somthing to do with his past so somthing like... you need to find a refugee on nar shaadar who helped him in the war.

Boa-Dur- I think he should proberly do somthing that will upgrade remote and his arm like... He has to find parts of a machine that are spread around the galaxcy.

Mira- Simply it should be somthing to do with the mandalorians and finding someone as she does on nar shadar.

Hanharr- just somthing like bounty hunting.

Handmaiden- Somthing too do with the Echani.

Disciple- somthing to do with his past.

Mandalore- the one they kind of had in TSL


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There is a (slight) downside to too many NPC sidequests, mind you, being that it distracts the player from the core plotline. In Kotor 1, for example,

after Bastila was captured by Malak, the race to find the Star Forge and rescue her was rendered less urgent by Revan having to pause and help Juhani defeat Xor or bring Canderous to meet Jagi etc.

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Of course. Duh. :dozey:



Atton: Related to the female Jedi he killed and loved.

Mira: Settle the score with Hanharr.

Kreia: Meet/fight yet another "fallen" apprentice.

Handmaiden: About the mother's past.

Visas: Visit whatever remains of Katarr.

Disciple: Foind some Jedi/Sith Holocrons.

Hanharr: Head back to Kashyyyk(!) to repent for his sins.

T3: Unlock the navicomputer.

G0T0: Meet the real Goto.

HK-47: HK Factory...

Mandalore: Unite the Clans...



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Originally posted by Derc

Of course. Duh. :dozey:



Atton: Related to the female Jedi he killed and loved.

Mira: Settle the score with Hanharr.

Kreia: Meet/fight yet another "fallen" apprentice.

Handmaiden: About the mother's past.

Visas: Visit whatever remains of Katarr.

Disciple: Foind some Jedi/Sith Holocrons.

Hanharr: Head back to Kashyyyk(!) to repent for his sins.

T3: Unlock the navicomputer.

G0T0: Meet the real Goto.

HK-47: HK Factory...

Mandalore: Unite the Clans...


I agree to the idea!



Mira: She does, on Malachor.

Kreia: That would be dull. I think half the game already is an NPC sidequest for her.

Hanharr: I doubt he'd care for it. And neither would a darksided Exile. He thinks his murdering of his clan was justice.

T3: Why? One of his jobs was to prevent anyone from unlocking it and finding out where Revan went. That's why he zapped HK.

Goto: There is no real Goto. Well, there is, but G0-T0 IS Goto. Get enough influence, ask about his operations on Nar Shaddaa, say the right things, and he'll admit it.

HK-47: It was SUPPOSED to happen, just was cut.

Mandalore: You can "sort of" do that. On Nar Shaddaa and Dantooine you can make some Mandos gather their clans and go to Dxun. But they could have extended that.


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Originally posted by jblue789

Mandalore: You can "sort of" do that. On Nar Shaddaa and Dantooine you can make some Mandos gather their clans and go to Dxun. But they could have extended that.


I hear that they were going to make the quest more significant(and have an outcome), but it was cut.


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