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Placing a placeable

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How would one go about putting a footlocker in the Ebonhawk? I figure since TSL has a habit of using whatever it wants when putting items somewhere, if I were to put a footlocker in the ebon hawk it'll only have one placeable to put the items where I want since there are none in EBO. should cut out all the scripting work for future mods if you just want to get the items to the player.:)

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Check out this tutorial:



If you want to fire your script to place the container when the area loads, you can use the on enter event and the execute script command. Check this thread: http://www.lucasforums.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=137370


To get the coordinates of where to place the container, you'll need the "Whereami armband": http://www.starwarsknights.com/tools.php

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