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Critical Threat question

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Actually if you have a weapon that has the following critical threat range and bonus damage;


19-20, X2


And you apply the Keen property (which increases the critical threat range), it would become this;


17-20, X2


Keen doubles the critical threat range, it does not add a +1.


The critical multiplier can't be altered by any in-game attribute.


I hope this helps! :D

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Actually if you look at the attributes of the different lightsabre forms you will find both a Critical Treat Range and Critical Multiplier for some of the forms. I am just wondering since I have no experience with the D&D engine exactly how the math applies to the Critical Threat itself.



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Is critical threat limited to 17-20? I swear mine should have been higher. and then using Master CS, it would only increase to 11-20... which is still nice... but I'm sure i had a configuration that should have offered about 14-20 without critical strike.


I guess it doesnt matter, I completed that game today.

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