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Question and help needed : Adding Atris Robe for female PC ????


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I'm a newbee at modding for TSL and i'd like to add some atris robe style for the female pc and npc's...

I have already modified the model from the body of atris to only keep the robe and i'm trying to import it to the game but i can't figure how to properly show it in the game... :confused:


I have looked out for tutos about adding new model in the game and i especially find one from kitty kitty about adding new colors for the sith armors but it was for Kotor and things might have change a little with TSL...


Anyway can anyone help me with this by telling how to add the model to the game. I guess i have to edit appearance.2da at least but i don't know how exactly since there is a lot of references in their and that i have found the templateref of jedi robes in a lot of lines... I'm quiet confused....:confused:

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*** Shout out loud in the dark ***

Hello !!! Is there anyone here ???? :confused:


Maybe my idea of making atris kimono style robe available to female pc and npc's isn't so good after all.... ???


Can someone help me please ?...

I know for sure that there must be someone here who can help me...

hum... if he want too of course... Maybe that guy or gal did not want to after all... :(


I'm gonna chew my keyboard while waiting for an answer...


*** crunch crunch crunch ***

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Sorry no ones helpin' ya man. :) OK here's my lame STAB at ya. From what's runnin' through my lil' head Atris' body is just that "a body" hence a model. For her "robe" to "appear" as if on a normal character it would be model editing, and all that scary stuff I can't do yet. :) I have looked at her files and they look as if they are attached to a custom model.


If the "MODS" (moderators) know any better please correct me on this. :)

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Originally posted by Darth Melignous

Sorry no ones helpin' ya man. :) OK here's my lame STAB at ya. From what's runnin' through my lil' head Atris' body is just that "a body" hence a model. For her "robe" to "appear" as if on a normal character it would be model editing, and all that scary stuff I can't do yet. :) I have looked at her files and they look as if they are attached to a custom model.


If the "MODS" (moderators) know any better please correct me on this. :)


Actually thats not true Darth Melignous, Malivolus got it working i dont know how, but maybe u should contact him. Heres a screenshot and a link to the thread that i got it from.



Thread (I know it's a revan robe thread)




Here's a link where u can PM him


Hope that helped Lord Yig :)



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Originally posted by Prime

lord_yig, please do not spam the board. Please be patient. Others will help you if they are able.

Sorry for the double post... A whole day without an answer is maybe not enough to need a bump... I can't say that i'm patient for that kind of stuff....:rolleyes:


Hope that helped Lord Yig
Thanks Archangel_67 :)

It might help me a lot but if Malivolus is already working on it and is trying to get it in the game, i guess i just have to wait for his mod to be released...

I'll certainly try some retextures of the robe when it will be out...

thanks again for the help and anwers guys ;)

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While I did manage to make Atris robes usable (after a long fight with animations and misplacing headhooks :) ), but the main problem is to make the robes to appear in the game (here is my thread). You see - I need to add them properly e.g. as a "new" model or I can replace one of the existing robes (which I dont want to do since these robes are female only), well at the worst I can simply replace dancers outfit with the robes. If anybody have some ideas on how to do it, please tell me, becouse even after appearance.2da editing, I haven't found any way to make uti file to point to the neccessary model :(

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For your .uti file I think you will have to screw around with baseitems.2da and then do at least one part of the .uti file editing with a gff editor rather than KotOR Tool. There are tutorials on that though. Note: I could be wrong as well, I've only done the basics of .2da editing.


For importing your model just slag an in-game item. If you scrap the Jal Shey Mentor armor and in return give us Atris' robe I'm sure no one will cry (and if they do cry they can just not install the mod until we figure out a solution to this problem).

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Thanks for idea SuperSquall, I am now looking at these robes, but unfortunately those share the same model with other robes (Jal Shey, Zeison Sha and some others), the only item that has unique model is dancers outfit (if I remember correctly). Well I think the easy way would be simply to replace dancers outfit since it is not used much (well at least it will put Vogga into a little sturpor ;) ), unless ofcourse someone comes up with idea on how to add a new model, or override model usage from uti file.

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