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Pruning an existing mod... how do I do this?


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Quick question, one I had to pretty much make a second account over - seems this forum software refuses to send activation emails to comcast. Oh well, thats why I have Gmail.


Anyways, I'm curious as to which files to remove from a mod, in order to get only a single thing from it. The mod in question is the ever-popular 'Prestige Item Pack' mod.


I'd like to basically prune out the entire mod, except for the different models for the Force-Allowing armors. Everything else is just a bit too overpowered for my tastes. Problem is, the readme files don't give much enlightenment as to what files control the model / textures for the Force-Allowing mods.


I apologize in advance for having to place this message, but RH doesn't seem to have an actual email address he'd like to share.

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Originally posted by EternalSpark

Anyways, I'm curious as to which files to remove from a mod, in order to get only a single thing from it. The mod in question is the ever-popular 'Prestige Item Pack' mod.


I'd like to basically prune out the entire mod, except for the different models for the Force-Allowing armors. Everything else is just a bit too overpowered for my tastes.

Unfortunately, what you want to do isn't as easy as you would think it is... at least to get the results you likely desire.


Many times, in KOTOR and TSL modding particularly, things are connected together so as to be quite inseperable, unless you know how to seperate them. Even the simplest item (Example: A Mask) will be comprised of at least 5 different files to work properly if the item in question is using an edited model.


It isn't always as simple as drop this or that file into your override and boom! you will get exactly the part of the mod that you want, especially from a item package such as this. If you just remove parts of the whole you won't get the mod as the mod maker advertised/intended, and the results are not likely to be as the mod user desires it.

Originally posted by EternalSpark

Problem is, the readme files don't give much enlightenment as to what files control the model / textures for the Force-Allowing mods.

The well crafted readme file Maverick187 did for our mod, and most other readme files for mods are not going to contain a breakdown of files and functions, that is kind of a rediculous expectation. It is hard enough to keep track of 2da file compatability, let alone enter oodles and oodles of text about what file is what. ;)

Originally posted by EternalSpark

I apologize in advance for having to place this message, but RH doesn't seem to have an actual email address he'd like to share.

About giving an email in my readme files... I'm not in the habit of doing so... too much spam attraction there, learned that lesson long ago.


I usually post the url of Holowan Labs and give the title of the thread for the mod in my redme files, but as I said above I didn't make the readme for this mod, I only appended the one Maverick worked his behind off to make. :D

Originally posted by EternalSpark

what files control the model / textures for the Force-Allowing mods.

The easiest solution for you to attempt would be to edit the mods robe/saber uti files in a GFF Editor/KT and remove the attributes you find too powerful... it would require a little research on your part on the forums here, but it is more rewarding in the end IMHO.


Failing any other option, as a last-resort, here is something you could try, but this is a basic, meat-and-potatoes solution, no bells and whistles, no extra textures/robes. I can offer you no guarentees it will completely work either!


Copy the following files from the mod to your override;

















Note: This only replaces the standard in-game Jal Shey style robes to the Bandon style armor for the Male PC's with 3 green, 2 blue, and 1 red texture (You are likely never to see the red one as it is Malak's Armor's replacement texture and you would have to "cheat" to get it). Also, you will never get/see the armor textures shown in the screenshots, the Black Bandon, Brown Jedi, Sith Master, Vader, or White Jedi textures as those are linked to items from the mod... If you desire those then I strongly suggest editing the mods uti files, as I stated above.


I hope these instructions are enough, and it works for you, as I don't have the desire to proceed further de-constructing something I worked to create... I hope you can understand, sorry.

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