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new Dialogue and feat questions


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I wouldnt mind adding a new feat for a saberlock if it isnt already in TSL...which im having a hard time getting ahold of :mad: so if anyone can tell me how to start on making a new feat if you know how, also, it is my understanding that we cannot decompile and edit levels so they are completely custom rite? Is that going to be integrated into MDL OPS? And since the search wont work, can someone give me a link to that lipsinc dialoge turorial and the triggers tut and stuff..

One last question...Why is he called silent bob anyways?

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Originally posted by MudRat_02

I wouldnt mind adding a new feat for a saberlock if it isnt already in TSL...which im having a hard time getting ahold of :mad: so if anyone can tell me how to start on making a new feat if you know how

Unfortunately, contrary to force powers, feats are hardcoded :(



also, it is my understanding that we cannot decompile and edit levels so they are completely custom rite? Is that going to be integrated into MDL OPS?

You cannot create new maps for now. You can only take existing maps, strip them down from their contents (placeables, npcs, sounds, etc..) and add you new content. For Kotor 1, you will find maps that are ready to use with Kotor tool's module editor here: http://www.starwarsknights.com/maps.php


And since the search wont work, can someone give me a link to that lipsinc dialoge turorial and the triggers tut and stuff..
Has the search function been turned off again? Anyways, we don't have sticky tutorials for nothing. Have a look at the tutorials at the top of the first forum page. You should find everything you need there ;)
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