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Modified and Upgradeable Visas Marr's and Freedon Nadd's Lightsaber


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Right, after waiting, I finally figured out how to make these upgradeable. I added some nifty darkside bonuses to Freedon Nadd's and made it Restricted to Darkside, and I added general bonuses to Visas Marr's, and I made it so she will come with it instead of it being destroyed. And I made them upgradeable.


You might have to cheat to get Freedon Nadd's saber, since I couldn't find the placeable for his saber. I do give anyone who wants to give these sabers custom crystals so they can be put into other sabers permission to do so, and if someone can find the placeable for Freedon Nadd's Corpse, tell me, and I'll update to put the saber there.



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