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(spoilers) dantooine again problems


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also for some reason I noticed that in my Active quests log it still says I found master vashs body and it looks like its their as bait. Why is this still active? theres nothing left to do on Korriban

This is realy starting to bug me, any help would great

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Have you actually spoken to Kreia about going to Dantooine before making your way there, because the rebuilt Enclave won't trigger until you have.


If the problem is because of Vash, then I don't know because IIRC you can't actually leave the Korriban Academy unless you've completed that quest. :confused: The quest shouldn't be active once you've gotten her ID and put it through the computer next to her cage.

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well, i just tried to talk to her but i dont even have the option to ask about Dantooine. As for master Vash, I dont get that either, I hope to God this isnt some bug, cuz I cant go any farther in the game until I figure this out

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