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Force crush how do u get it???

master jedi101

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Originally posted by PisOgPapir

yup and force crush is much better than force enlightment :p


That depends on how you build your character. For someone who fights with force powers Crush is probably better since it'll prevent the enemy from fighting back unless you run out of FP before you can kill them. Works best against a single powerful enemy though.


But for a lightsaber-fighter who max out the potential of Force Enlightenment that power is much more useful, in my opinion, since you can do more damage in one round with lightsabers than what Force Crush does.


Force Crush gives you:

1) 10 ---> (10 * level) damage to one opponent. Half of that against powerful enemies who make their Save.

2) Immobilizes the enemy for about 3 seconds.


...at the cost of 60 FP.


Force Enlightenment (maxed) gives you:

1) +2 attacks/round (not for party members)

2) +8 Defense bonus (+2 for party members)

3) +2 Damage/attack

4) +2 Vitality/level

5) +4 to Save DC for Force Powers

6) +8 to all saving throws (+2 for party members)

7) +2 Attack bonus (+4 for your party members)

8) +2 Bonus to all Skills


... for 20 seconds at the cost of 30 FP.

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