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room 96 not in room 96


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Sorry if this is a common problem, but search isn't working at the mo'.


I've just got Monkey Island 1 (white label). It starts up fine, then I get this error message when Guybrush walks offscreen.


room 96 not in room 96 at 4697642+0 in file monkey1.00


I started it again then he did manage to get to the next screen, but then it couldn't find the SCUMM Bar room.


I tried again, and again he was stuck on the first scene.


What's going on there, then?

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I'm not too familiar with the White Label version of the game, does it actually require you to install anything? Or can you just run it straight from CD? (i'd assume the latter, but like I said, I'm not too familiar with the white lable version)




Okay, forget that, I looked it up, all it really needs to do is sound configuration, which I guess you've already done (if not, look at the referance in the manual). meaning that technically, there was no reason for you to copy the files, but if it's conveinient for you, there's no stopping you fron copying the files. All I can say is that if you do that, make sure you copy everything. if it's anything like my version of MI1 and 2, then the two games should be in indivisual folders on the disk which should be easily identifiable and I suggest you just copy the entire folder (note, the music on mi1 won't work without the cd in the drive).


But for now, and for your immediate problem, just try running it completely from your CD. If that doesn't work, try scummVM (linked in the above post by James Issac) and while your at it download scummvm q+e (just a frontend) from here and install it into the same folder as scummvm and then run that run the game through that.


Hope this helps.

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At last,


Although it doesn't work through Scumm Q&E, it DOES work through ScummVM.


ScummVM gives you a choice of two; Monkey Island 1 and Monkey Island 1 (alt). It only works through the 'alt' one. Funny, though, as alt does come up in Scumm Q&E.


Thanks guys


Argh! Spoke too soon, it's still going mental....

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Weird that it doesn't work through q+e, it'd using the same program. if it's still going weird, make sure you've got the CD path correct (or the path to the game files) and male sure all of the files are there. if there's still a problem, i'd say it's something to do with your disk (scratched, corrupted)

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