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Compare 2 TLK files ?...


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Hello !


I've modified the SW : KotOR I's TLK file ("dialog.tlk") to correct some orthographical and to add forgotten entries, but I've not thought to keep traces of all these changes. (Like the entries' numbers, etc...)

Consequently, I'm wondering whether you know a manner to compare 2 TLK files... (For my example, the original "dialog.tlk" and the modified one)

For informations, I've already encountered a program named TLKPatch, which can convert a TaLK Table File into an INI file. With it, you can easily find differences using the "FC" command in a MS-DOS Prompt.

This is just a sample of the tool I need to find... (I specify that the TLKPatch's download URL isn't valid anymore)


I hope you shall help me...


Thanks to you !...

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I've finally found a solution, which requires that you have the two TLK files you want to compare (The original and the updated file) and an hexadecimal editor. (Personally, I use Hex Editor)

Next, open these two files in your hex-editor and delete all bytes except texts (Words and sentences) ; It's very easy to do because they are all gathered in the bottom of the file.

Before making the comparison, be sure that you saved the modifications and that the TLK files are both opened in the editor.

Finally, go in the "Edit" menu, then "Compare". In the window which appears, select the original TLK file in the first menu, and the updated file in the second one. Next, click on the "Compare" button : All changes will be annouced and selected by the program. Use the "F4" key to switch from a difference to another one...

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