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UTC files questions


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Hi. My first post. If this is the wrong thread, etc, my apologies. I've been trying to do some modding to boost stats of certain enemies by editing UTC files with KotorTool. I am familiar with Achilles' and Beancounter's brilliant game balancing mods, but I wanted to try my hand.


Anyway, questions:


1) I've noticied you can't just drop a .UTC file (i.e. n_darthsion.utc) in the override directory and have it get used.

It has to be renamed to n_darthsion002.utc.


For n_darthnihilus.utc it's n_darthnihilu001.utc.


So do all UTC files have to be renamed when you put them in override? If so, how do you know what number (001, 002, etc) to append?




2) How do you easily test UTC changes?


If you've saved your game fighting Nihilus and you plunk in a new .utc for him and reload, the changes do NOT take affect. It seems that once he's spawned, your changes are ignored. I know this isn't the case for .NSS, etc - they take effect right away.


Or is this the wrong approach altogether? Perhaps modify beancounters .NSS to say:


if monster==nihilus

then hitpoints = hitpoints * 5;

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I moved your question from the Mod request thread: the thread is reserved for people who want to ask modders to make a mod and not for technical discussions ;)


You don't have to rename .utc files if you don't want a new object. If you drop a .utc fioe without renaming it, it will simply overwrite the existing files with the same name. However, this process is to be avoided unless you are sure you are dealing with a unique .utc file as explained in this thread: http://www.lucasforums.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=145353


To verify if you have a unique .utc file, you can use tk102's findrefs: http://www.starwarsknights.com/tools.php


I suggest you use scripts to modify npc stats instead of modifying the .utc file. Edit: you can modify Beancounter's script but you can also attach your script to the dialogue with Nihilus, prior to the battle or anywhere else (area entry, door, trigger, etc. ) as this is affecting one single npc at a specific place.


If you decide to modify a .uyc file, you can test it by respawning the npc (just make sure you are not using a save game where he has already been spawned). For quick testing, You can attach the following script to my Whereami armband (same link as Findrefs):

void main() {
// replace my_npc with the appropriate template i.e. name of the .utc file of the npc or creature
// you wish to spawn. DO NOT REMOVE THE QUOTES  
CreateObject( OBJECT_TYPE_CREATURE, "my_npc", GetLocation(GetFirstPC()));

Save it as d3_getloc.nss and compile and it will work with the armband.

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Thanks for helping out a :newbie:.


I really had spent a lot of time digging through forums and readme's, but with everything that's out there, it's hard to know what's still relevant.


I had much fun going into a room full of Sith, spawning an uber Nihilus and then Mind Confusing him. I kept hearing that line from Scarface: "Say hello to my little friend!"


Now I will try to mod something more productive with what I've learned.

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