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History lesson, please! *spoilers*


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I just finished the first Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic about one week ago. I just got Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II yesterday and have played it for only about 3 hours now, but I'm very confused about some things that I hope someone here can clear up for me. First, I've clearly forgotten some details from the storyline in the original KotOR. Can someone please explain to me, starting at the near-ending of the original, what happened up to the point to where I'm at now in KotOR II (some abandoned mining facility that's overrun by droids)?


Here's some more specific quesations:


- Who is the main character I start out with in part II? Is it Raven, the main character from part I? If not, then who?


- I fell in love with the characters from the first KotOR, so naturally I want to know what happened to them. Is raven and his crew still alive? Please tell me they didn't all die... =( Raven and Bastila were supposed to marry and have a family of little jedi children, I tell you! *shakes fist* Bastila and Carth are the two alternate characters from the original that I especially care about.


- Whatever happened to the characters from the original, how did their ship, the Ebon Hawk, come into the possession of this new main character for part II?


- I think I should know this, but what is this "Harbringer" that everyone in part II keeps talking about? Was it the ship I was on at the end of the original KotOR? I just remember it as being the Star Forge. Was the Harbringer a ship in the original or is just something part II makes up?



Anyway, my concern for what happened to the main characters from the original is distracting me from enjoying part II. Please give me a good history lesson here, so that I can put part I behind me and enjoy part II. Thanks!

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This is my version of what happened to the whole party (in order of appearance)


Carth: After Successfully Destroying the Star Forge, he was given the Hero thing award. and he was promoted to Succeed Dodonna as the new Admiral of the republic. He just floats around now.


Bastila: In the shadows, Bastila longs for her lost love, Revan. she Stows away with carth on his ship as he floats around. She dont use battle meditation as much anymore.


Mission: She went to the ruins of Taris, and began to help the republic plan restoration of the planet after Telos was complete.


Zaalbar: Never left mission's side, eventually he went to Kashyyk, married, and had a child, Jarman, the Great great great grandfather of Chewbacca.


T3-M4: We know what happened to him. Revan took only T3-M4 with him on his journy. only he knows what happened. but he wont tell anyone.


Canderous: After Revan showed him the path to where the old Mandalore's helmet was, he was brutally attacked by a Jedi, and had to wear an armor encasing, to keep his wounded body strong. he is missing his left arm and right leg.


Juhani: Went to Dantooine and lived near the ruins until the People began to turn against the jedi. She then moved to Cathar, and freed the slaves and became the jedi she always wanted to be.


HK-47: His Droid Chassis became infested with a oily virus that ate certain circuits of a droid. Ruining most parts. Revan took him on his journy but HK-47's Participation ended quickly. Revan stowed his favorite droid in the ebon hawk, where we rebuilt him later.


Jolee: Jolee became a liberator, he returned to kashyyyk and made sure the Czerka had completely left. After that, he went to Dantooine, where he eventually died of old age, becoming One with the force. but he left a legend in his footsteps.


Revan: Left, with only his two droids, only his ship was found somehow, by Kreia. nothing is known. but the force shows he still lives... somewhere.... out there....


please note that all of these are actually just guesses of mine, and i make nice gueses to lean toward. at least its something to have. its not offical :)

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Originally posted by Bobo

Canderous: After Revan showed him the path to where the old Mandalore's helmet was, he was brutally attacked by a Jedi, and had to wear an armor encasing, to keep his wounded body strong. he is missing his left arm and right leg.


Hmm, I kinda wonder about the last sentence there, cause he looked fine last time I saw him unless he is using artificial limbs, but yeah your just theorizing other then that good work! :D

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Wow! That was awesome! Thank you very much Bobo. That answers all my questions and I don't feel like anything has been spoiled. I hope you don't mind if I adopt that beliefs. They sound awesome.


I'm not sure I like the Canderous history much, though he was perhaps more inclined towards evil than the rest of the living crew. Perhaps he deserved to lose some limbs by a real jedi...


Has enough time gone by for Jolee to have realistically died of old age? He seemed in pretty good health last time I saw him. And the force generally keeps good jedi healthy longer (unless the dark side intervenes), whether they are publically recognized as such or not.



Well, I'll just hope that part III shows Revan and Bastilla reunited as part of the new, reformed jedi council. That'd be a great... but then I suppose it wouldn't make sense for players who played through with Revan on the dark side... well, the beginning script in part III should set the foundation for such historical parts of the storyline. That'd work. *wink*

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-You are the last known Jedi to still be alive. So the Sith are out to get you. Also, you've been away during the events of KoTOR.


-The original KoTOR characters' whereabouts can't be explained without spoilers, so you'll have to find out yourself.


-Where the Ebon Hawk has been is also a spoiler. =/


-The Harbinger is the Republic ship in the beginning portion of the game in Peragus. It's not the Star Forge... :o

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:) you should see my B-4D4 and T1-N1 backstory. lol.


i just like using the knowledge i have and create the best possible outcome. its not to hard for me, it comes naturally. i could write some pretty good star wars novels but i dont have enough time or money lol.


some of the details i noticed in the game helped me build the stories for most, like Jolee, Canderous, Juhani, Zaalbar and Mission.


in the game, if your lucky enough, you can find the Vao Armband, it was a gift to mission from "Z". for jolee, you can find many parts of his story, such as his robes and his headband. it hints he died of old age, and i beleve that is the perfect future for Jolee, no i dont hate him but i would hate to see him get killed.


Canderous was almost screamed about his past with the jedi, and if your in a tangle with a jedi, and all you got is a gun, you usually loose an arm or a leg :)

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i dont want to spam but this might kill my other thread. ok, my last backbone was if Revan was lightside. heres... Darkside :)


Carth: After realizing the horrable work of Revan and bastila of killing Jolee, he ran off into the distant planet. Soon after, Lord Revan sent his men to search the entire planet, then soon found and killed Carth Onasi.


Bastila: The Newest Apprentice of Revan, and lover <3, Bastila was more loyal to Revan then malak ever was, and seeks no power for herself, but the power to stand by revan. no matter what. After revan left, the Korriban Academy was once more, left without a Teacher, soon all hell broke out and Everyone was killed in a brutal war. Bastila Shan was counted amongst those bodies.


Mission: Mission was killed on the Unknown Star Forge world by her beloved friend, Zaalbar.


Zaalbar: Anger, Hatred, these two things descriped the new Zaalbar. after Killing his friend, he returned to Kashyyyk in a furious rage, and killed his brother. he took full control of his tribe, eventually spreading, and taking over more then half of Kashyyyk.


Canderous: Darth Revan told Canderous of the evil Mandalore helmet's location. after retreiving it, he returned to Lord Revan. Revan burst out in a hidious laugh, ignited his Crimson Blade and brutally attacked Canderous for no appearent reason.


T3-M4: We know what happened to him. Revan took only T3-M4 with him on his journy. only he knows what happened. but he wont tell anyone.


Juhani: She was murdered by the Padawan, Revan on dantooine in the grove where her darkside was released.


HK-47: in some unknown attack on the Revan adventure, HK-47 took some heavy blows, destroying most of his components.


Jolee: He was murdered as a Jedi Sacrifice on the summit of the Unknown Temple. He was the death that would forever imprint the return of Revan.


this is the stories for those Darksiders to lean back on :D :D i know your out there. lol


the revan story remains the same. the female versions only really change Bastiila and carth. if revan was female, Carth would command his vessel, with revan in his heart, hoping she lived. if it was bastila, well bastila didnt care much lol.


I personally think that Revan was lightside and i usually do lightside even if i plan to have my Characher dark.

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Originally posted by Darth_Krow

Sir Deity, maybe reading the dialogue could help, because it's kinda important <.<


What makes you think I don't read the dialogue? Just because I asked some questions about the history that haven't been made clear yet? That's an ignorant assumption.

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Originally posted by SirDeity

What makes you think I don't read the dialogue? Just because I asked some questions about the history that haven't been made clear yet? That's an ignorant assumption.


he/she said that cuz your question it largely answered in the dialog, movies and holocron records

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