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Text goes too fast! - Default Stance...


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Is there anyway to slow down the text in KotOR II? Certain alien NPCs talk way too fast for me to possibly read it all before the text goes away. I don't consider myself a slow reader, either.


Am I the only one who thinks the secretary alien dude who visits you while you're on inhouse arrest talks way too fast to possible read everything he says (sorry, can't remember his name)? I know I can use the journal thing to view previous conversations, but the fast-talkers are just annoying. Anyway, I'm just wondering if there's a way to slow it down. A mod download or an option somewhere, perhaps?



Also, I liked the way the default stance feature was set up in the original KotOR much better. I can't even figure out how the one in KotOR II works. I try setting the old lady on "jedi support" so she can use her jedi powers from a distance, but the option always goes right back to aggressive. The same thing for all the other characters. I can't seem to get a specific combat stance to stay where I want it. Do I have to set their combat stance at the start of ever single fight?


I've tried selecting a stance and then clicking their avatar (as is required to use medpacks), but that didn't work either. The only other thing I've thought to try is to select the other character then change it to the default stance I want them set on. But whenever I change that character to a different character and return to the previous character, it's always right back on the default "aggressive." The old lady has guns equiped, but instead of using her jedi powers as I want her to do, she just stand back and fires without using any powers.

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I try setting the old lady on "jedi support" so she can use her jedi powers from a distance, but the option always goes right back to aggressive.
You have to click on the icon to confirm your selection. A small window should pop up showing what the stance/ai behaviour does.
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Originally posted by Darth_Krow

Yeah there is a way to read what they say, ussually after they're done and it's your turn to reply, above you there should be the words that they spoke a few seconds ago, just gotta look out for that thing


Obviously, I'm referring to text that goes away and is replaced by newer text, such as a long conversation where the NPC doesn't stop talking until several lines of text have come and gone. Nevermind, though. I assume there isn't any way to slow it down.

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I was inquiring about the speed of text coming and going not because I was worried about missing the information permanently, but because I was worried about missing the necessary information for me to give an informed response. In other words, the options to view your journal isn't available during a give and take conversation, thus the appropriate response isn't always as clear when information is missed.


Anyway, I think I'm near the very ending of the game so it's not an issue anymore. Thanks for the try, though. (On a side note, I haven't tried the hotkey for opening the journal during a "give and take" conversation. That might work. I'll find out either way.)

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I edited the post appropriately. I apologize if I falsely assumed you weren't seriously trying to help me. It seemed like you were just trying to pick on me for asking the question. Anyway, thank you for trying to help if that was your true motive.

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What Moza says is basically that Chodo Habat wants to talk to you on behalf of the Ithorians on Telos that are trying to fix the planet as part of the Restoration project the Telosian Council has set up there. They have restoration areas down on the planet but the Czerka has bought some of the areas and is letting them basically fall apart. Since Chodo Habat is a busy Ithorian, he sent Moza to see you to encourage you to go visit him when you get out of house arrest. Chodo Habat basically wants you to go on quests that will help resort the planet and show Czerka for the scumbags that they are. You obviously want to do this quest if youre a light side character, if youre dark side just ignore Moza's call and take the Call from Jana Lorso that works for Czerka



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I beat the game this past weekend. I was actually expecting a bigger let down. I didn't think part II was as good as the original, but it wasn't too bad. What is it that some people think was unfinished about it? Were there some storylines that weren't finished?


It was a fairly predictable ending for me. I suspected all along that something was up with the old lady. It was just a shame that the Darth dude in black on the Ravager was so easy to kill and that the last 3 Jedi Masters died (though I suspect we'll see the short little green-skinned jedi master in KotOR part III).

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If, my source is correct...DON'T READ IF YOU DISLIKE SPOILERS



Master Vandar was killed on Coruscant or another world by Darth Nihilus (The dude that has a masked face and you can't tell what he says)


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