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Revan went off into the unknown regions presumably to find the real sith or find evidence about them or their whereabouts I think but he felt he had to leave all his possessions and loved ones behind because he felt they would be at risk when he went into the unknown regions. He either went to Koriban to learn of these rumors about the unknown regions and either stop the Sith efforts there or try unsucessfully to unite them under one banner.


Bastila I think she stayed behind when Revan went off into the unknown regions and she stored info in T3 about her concerns and sent him with Revan.


Carth went to aid the recovery effort on Telos and got promoted to Admiral and obviously took command of the Sojourn and that explains why he was not at Telos until your final visit there before going to Malachor V.


Canderous went to Dxun to help the mandalorians set up a base there and they made him the new mandalore and he vowed to go and reunite all the Mandalorian clans under his name. I beleive that he got injured sometime between ending his service to revan and ending up on Dxun and thats why he wears his armor to cover up his injuries and also to mask his identity from anyone who might acknowledge who he was and that he accompanied Revan.


Revan or someone unknown shot HK-47 and sold most of his components off to various merchants and somehow the Exchange either through finding some of his components or through Czerka who originally constructed him for Revan found his schematics and went off to build the HK-50 assasin droid.


Jolee probably accompanied Revan until he went off into the unknown regions and then probably went around exploring the galaxy until he just died of old age.


Juhani im sure went back to Cathar to help her people rebuild after what the Sith did there.


Mission and Zaalbar probably went off to do various mercenary jobs for the Republic after Revan went to the unknown regions, unless Revan killed them of course.


Masters Zhar Dorak and Vandar died on Katarr or Malachor *I think* and Master Vrook was a leading member of the high council on Coursucant but went into hiding when the Sith asassins came and the temple became abandoned there.


Ahlan Matale left Dantooine and they turned his estate into the Khoonda facility



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Good post, it's nice to have a thread to explain the background of the story. Like a story analysis. Now just for my own clarification:



*Revan went off to fight the "True Sith" in the Unknown Regions. He/she took too the Ebon Hawk, leaving everyone behind except T3-M4.

*Bastila: (If LS Revan):Has gone into hiding, presumably from the Sith. She wonders where Revan(male) has gone.

(If DS Revan): She lead the Sith Academy on Korriban with Revan. When Revan left, he/she told Bastila to stay behind. Bastila could wait no longer, so she set out to go after Revan.

*Carth: (If LS Revan): Admiral of the Republic Fleet. In search of Revan.

(If DS Revan): Whereabouts unknown, makes one brief appearance(might be a glitch).

*Canderous: Revan abandoned him on the Outer Rims. Has since gone off as Mandalore to reunite the mandalorian clans, to try and relive the glory days.

*Mission's, Zaalbar's, Jolee's, and Juhani's whereabouts are unknown. They never make an appearance in the game, except for a reference to Jolee(armband, head gear). We can only speculate about their fates.

*Master Dorak, Master Zhar, and Master Vandar did die at Katarr, killed by Nihilius's hunger and power.

*The Exile and Bao-Dur were both at the Battle of Malachor V during the wars. The Exile ordered Bao_dur to use the mass shadow generator, resulting in the massive killings that forced the Exile to "deafened" himself/herself from the Force, because the amount of death was unbearable.

*Revan made T3 go back(for unknown reasons, maybe T3 was no longer needed), voice-locking the navigation system to prevent anyone from finding out where he/she went.



Events leading to the the Prologue:



*Note: Kreia "somehow" finds T3 and the Ebon Hawk.

*The Exile is being transported to Telos onboard the Harbinger on an urgent matter.

*An HK-50 unit onboard the Harbinger finds out about the Exile and subdues him/her by drugging the kolto tank.

*The Harbinger investigates an abandoned Sith Warship. After nothing significant is found, they depart.

*The Ebon Hawk docks with the Harbinger(by chance), but the vessel was already under attack by Sith Assassins.

*Kreia rescues the Exile and brings him/her onboard the Ebon Hawk. HK-50 also boards.

*As the Ebon Hawk was about to escape into hyperspace, the Harbinger fires upon it, heavily damaging it, which then leads into KoTOR 2.



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How do you explain Kreia having possession of Ebon Hawk and the droids? Was both she and the droids actively looking for the Exile, at the same time as being hounded by her former students (Nihilus and Sion)?


Why would the droids accept Kreia as a passanger or as a "crew-member"?


Can somebody remember what she said about boarding the Harbinger? Why did she request to be taken aboard? Was it because she was chased by the Sith and the Ebon Hawk was damaged?


Can it be, so simple, that the Force led the droids and the Ebon Hawk to meet Kreia and afterwards led them to the Exile? Just in time for the Sith attack? Why?


This is mostly speculation but if somebody remembers something of actual quotes, it would help, to make sense.


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well, if you remember in the game, Kreia will tell you (if you have enough influence) what happened to Revan. apparently, Revan sought out Kreia at Malachor because she was his/her former master. Revan then left her, leaving behind the Ebon Hawk and T3-M4. whenever Sion and Nihhlis betrayed her, she managed to escape in the Ebon Hawk. this covers the reasons why the Sith were attacking the Ebon Hawk.

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I got the impression T3 and the Hawk went with Revan to the Unknown Regions (UR, henceforth), then Revan wiped T3-s memory and locked the navi-computer and sent him back.


...because supposedly "all his loved ones (T3?!?! ewwww /jk) would be in danger in the UR).


And I also presume/got the impression that Bastila gave T3 the mission to find the Exile after he came back from the UR.


So that is why I asked how Kreia got hold of the Hawk, before finding the Exile.


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well, i'd have to check the dialogs again to deturmine that one. i guess you could always try listening to the dialogs, if you have Miles Sound Studio. i'm pretty sure what i posted was actually stated in the game. well, most of it, anyway. some of it is conjecture on my part.

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T3 mustve un-voice locked part of the nav-computer when the Exile and Kreia and Atton got on board because the HK-50 had the mining droids fix and prep the Ebon Hawk for launch but they couldnt take it anywhere because the nav-computer was voice locked and the mining staff even admitted this but yet the crew was able to take off in it after they got to the hangar. After that though it is noted that the nav-computer is still voice locked but only the parts that showed where Revan went so T3 mustve been able to alter the voice lock somewhat. Revan mustve been the one to originally voice lock it though and gave the unlocking codes to T3 because T3 doesnt have a "voice" to lock anything, he just talks in binary beeps. I thought they said somewhere in the game that somehow Kreia had voice locked the Ebon hawk though. You think that if the crew wanted to know where Revan went bad enough that they could just shut down and dump T3's memory into the computer and extract the codes from there. People do that to astromechs in the starwars universe all of the time.




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Also another thing that is weird is that Kreia says that Atton was needed to fly the ship but yet another time she says that because of the voice lock on the nav-computer that it could only be flown sufficiently by T3, funny thing is you never see him in the cockpit, usually in the engine room or moving about the ship. I really do think that Atton flys the ship because you see him and hear them talking about him flying the ship.




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t3m4 controls the coordinate data for hyperspace jumps since the navicomputer is locked out. what happens is that T3 downloads the hyperspace data from Atris' computer on Telos and uses it to navigate.


Atton flies the ship when they're not in hyperspace. so, other than providing the coordinate data for hyperspace, T3 doesn't have any involvement in flying the Ebon Hawk

hope that helps. :)

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this is what i wrote in a similer thread, showing what i truely thought happened to the old party, from Kotor I. i have Lightside and darkside. (This is not in a spoiler tag because this is not offical. The ones that are offical have been tagged for your conveniance.)


Lightside Revan:



After Successfully Destroying the Star Forge, he was given the Hero thing award. and he was promoted to Succeed Dodonna as the new Admiral of the republic. He just floats around now.




In the shadows, Bastila longs for her lost love, Revan. she Stows away with carth on his ship as he floats around. She dont use battle meditation as much anymore.



Mission: She went to the ruins of Taris, and began to help the republic plan restoration of the planet after Telos was complete.


Zaalbar: Never left mission's side, eventually he went to Kashyyk, married, and had a child, Jarman, the Great great great grandfather of Chewbacca.



We know what happened to him. Revan took only T3-M4 with him on his journy. only he knows what happened. but he wont tell anyone.




After Revan showed him the path to where the old Mandalore's helmet was, he was brutally attacked by a Jedi, and had to wear an armor encasing, to keep his wounded body strong. he is missing his left arm and right leg.



Juhani: Went to Dantooine and lived near the ruins until the People began to turn against the jedi. She then moved to Cathar, and freed the slaves and became the jedi she always wanted to be.



His Droid Chassis became infested with a oily virus that ate certain circuits of a droid. Ruining most parts. Revan took him on his journy but HK-47's Participation ended quickly. Revan stowed his favorite droid in the ebon hawk, where we rebuilt him later.



Jolee: Jolee became a liberator, he returned to kashyyyk and made sure the Czerka had completely left. After that, he went to Dantooine, where he eventually died of old age, becoming One with the force. but he left a legend in his footsteps.



Left, with only his two droids, only his ship was found somehow, by Kreia. nothing is known. but the force shows he still lives... somewhere.... out there....


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Darkside Revan....


Carth: After realizing the horrable work of Revan and bastila of killing Jolee, he ran off into the distant planet. Soon after, Lord Revan sent his men to search the entire planet, then soon found and killed Carth Onasi.



The Newest Apprentice of Revan, and lover <3, Bastila was more loyal to Revan then malak ever was, and seeks no power for herself, but the power to stand by revan. no matter what. After revan left, the Korriban Academy was once more, left without a Teacher, soon all hell broke out and Everyone was killed in a brutal war. Bastila Shan was counted amongst those bodies.



Mission: Mission was killed on the Unknown Star Forge world by her beloved friend, Zaalbar.


Zaalbar: Anger, Hatred, these two things descriped the new Zaalbar. after Killing his friend, he returned to Kashyyyk in a furious rage, and killed his brother. he took full control of his tribe, eventually spreading, and taking over more then half of Kashyyyk.



Darth Revan told Canderous of the evil Mandalore helmet's location. after retreiving it, he returned to Lord Revan. Revan burst out in a hidious laugh, ignited his Crimson Blade and brutally attacked Canderous for no appearent reason.





We know what happened to him. Revan took only T3-M4 with him on his journy. only he knows what happened. but he wont tell anyone.



Juhani: She was murdered by the Padawan, Revan on dantooine in the grove where her darkside was released.



in some unknown attack on the Revan adventure, HK-47 took some heavy blows, destroying most of his components.



Jolee: He was murdered as a Jedi Sacrifice on the summit of the Unknown Temple. He was the death that would forever imprint the return of Revan.


--Remember these are guesses, and the ones that the ideas that were born from the game have been tagged.


i like these storys and i stick to em. (i perfer the LS lol)

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