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New Sword! Advanced Trandoshan Sword

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Advanced Trandoshan Sword


As some of you might know/remember, I am obsessed with trandoshans. I was bouncing off the walls when I saw the Trandoshan Sword in Kotor TSL, but my excitement died down when I noticed how impractical it was. Well, I went about making better, and now it is (I think).


Pic is here


Download from my site


This is the item description. It's long, so you might want to scroll past it :) ...


The Advanced Trandoshan Sword is a more modern version of the traditional Trandoshan Sword. While the older version was very effective, a downside of it not being upgradeable made its rightful position as a deadly weapon suffer.

Some of the more broad-minded, upstart Trandoshan Weaponsmiths took up the old design and improved it. Now the weapon was upgradeable, but also otherwise deadlier. Also due to a mysterious forging technique called 'coldforging' led to the effect that the blade of this sword can do cold damage.

However, the more older and respected Weaponsmiths were aggravated by the 'modernizing' of the old traditional weapon so much that they took any marketing rights from the creators of the Advanced Trandoshan Sword.

This led to a small war between the two Weaponsmith factions. The war caused economical recession that almost led the Weaponsmiths to bankrupcy. In the end, the older Weaponsmiths had to admit that the new weapon was the only thing at the moment which could save them from bankrupcy. And so the sword did.

Up to this day, the elder smiths harbor a deep contempt for this sword and much for its makers.


Any comments welcome. Moderators can remove the description if it's too long

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