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Stealing nerfs, fair or lame?


Is it fair to steal other's nerfs?  

30 members have voted

  1. 1. Is it fair to steal other's nerfs?

    • it's lame to steal anyone's nerfs! (friend or foe)
    • it's lame to steal your allies nerfs!
    • it's fair either way!
    • it's fair to steal your allies nerfs
    • it's fair to steal your enemies, but not your allies

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Guest wildthing

Just hit the nerf farm with some artillary . . . :eyeraise:


Nerfburgers for everyone :laughing:



I thought I saw a . . .


Wild Thing :thrawn2:

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Guest Lord Tirion

Nerfs give off more food than farms do. You put them in a nursery and put a power core by it and watch all the food you get.

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Guest wildthing

A common tactic I used in my great WC2 days was to ignore my opponents base and army and instead hit his farms. . . hard.


Not only does that eliminate his ability to produce troops until those farms are rebuilt, but then i can hit his troops hard (normally a mage attack followed by standard troops).


I then destroy his base at my lesiure.


It sounds like this will be a tactic I can use in GB. Just hit the nerf nursery instead.



I thought I saw a . . .


Wild Thing :thrawn2:


Please excuse my typing / spelling errors.

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Guest Lord Tirion

That tactic works IF your enemies base is not protected or fortified. If it is, then the tides will quickly turn and your invading army will be picked off leisurely by his forces instead.

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Guest wildthing
Originally posted by Tirion *Nexsis*

That tactic works IF your enemies base is not protected or fortified. If it is, then the tides will quickly turn and your invading army will be picked off leisurely by his forces instead.


Trust me, were there's a will, there's a way

<evillaugh> :angel:



I thought I saw a . . .


Wild Thing :thrawn2:


Please excuse any typing / spelling errors.

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Guest wildthing

I'm not saying that at all. Just that everyone has a weak spot no matter how well defended you base is or how many troops you have. heck, I've go more then I can count.


I'm just saying If I wanted to take out his farms / nursery, I would find a way sooner or later. Don't know how, but I would find a way.


I thought I saw a . . .


Wild Thing :thrawn2:


Please excuse any typing / spelling errors.

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Guest wildthing

We all know the real reason nerfs are in the game.


I'm sure we all played wack the seal / sheep in WC2.


This lets us re-live that dark side in all of us :laughing:


I thought I saw a . . .


Wild Thing :thrawn2:


Please excuse any typing / spelling errors.

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Guest Drakeon

hehe my favorite tactic has always been to takeout all there builders then there command center.. so now they cant build anything or get any more resoruces...


I used this tactic a lot in Starcraft :) oh and in the demos.. :)


Air is especially good at this.. kill all his carbine miners then get the others.. and then go for his command center.. >:)

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Guest Cup_A_Jabba

why wouldn't it be fair?? I mean it's the other person's fault if they're to ignorant not to get the nerfs. besides all is fair right, there are no Rules in a game. How stupid. it's like in SC. when they say, no rush 20 min. I mean how lame is that?? So basically it's the same thing, if u can get it, then why not. Your adantage is someone elses disadvantage.


P.S. sorry for the incorrect grammar :(

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Guest Darth_Venage

there is a certain thing amongst elite gamers called HONOR. while stealing nerfs is not against honor(for the most part :D ), if soemone says 'don't capture the monument' and you purposely capture the monument, you are designated a 'llama' and have violated the warrior's honor code.

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Guest Zorten
Originally posted by darth mike

its just stupid:bdroid2:


Every game steals the Monument. :( ANd he grips at every one not to. Then he yells at his bot he made do it.

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Guest Devan Jetstorm

That is of course unless he remembers to quickly hit the alarm sending all workers into hiding. Of course he would have to have good defenses to keep the hiding places from being destroyed. Ah, the complexity of RTS games. :D

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