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Dagobahn Eagle

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OK, so Amazon, the digital book-store, lets anyone write reviews. These reviews show up on the site shortly after you submit them, and although some are of dubious quality, others are quite informing and well-written.


I hope mine fall in under the latter category. See, I write reviews at Amazon "dot com" ocassionaly.


But when I looked up my full name years later at Google (just for fun)*, I didn't expect this.


It would appear my review magically moved itself from the boring book store to the more lively Target. Not that I can blame it.


Now, I'm not upset or anything (why would I be?), just pretty surprised. I didn't expect Target did this. Did they just appreciate my 1337 writing (kiddin'), or do they snatch reviews whenever they need them?


Heh, you learn something new every day:^:.



*That's what I love about my unusual name. If you've got a common name, like "Karen Cheng", there's a fat chance any of the hits will relate to you. Pwn3d:p.


PS: My review is the longer one. And no, I don't write such ridiculously short reviews anymore:p.

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Yeah, i've done a search for stuff related to me before, I found out that someone uploaded my GIR model to gamespot. Weird.


"I'm reading every high school newspaper in the country to see if i'm mentioned." - Luke Perry in Family Guy.



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I get no results from googling my full name, but under Mike Windu there are links to LF and under Shagolas there is some obscure dork's forum (who evidently plays jk2/ja and goes to the jk3files.com comments section, because in one of his posts which came up under google, he was bitching about my moderating.)


"Can I curse on my forums? HAHA bet old Shagolas didn't catch me did he?"


noob. :p

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