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Episode 3

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Jabba, imo that is a serious flaw in the continuity of the story. I have yet to hear a decent explanation for that one.


As far as Palpatine's deformation is concerned, I arrived at the same conclusion as Nute, without seeing or reading anything about it. I think it's quite logical within the SW universe. Of course, I had to explain it to my friends who had no clue what the heck was going on there.

And his defeat by Mace was probably a setup too, to make Anakin believe the Council was indeed revolting, tipping the balance of the force inside Anakin towards the Dark Side ;):)


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Leia's line about remembering her mother will probably get axed, or at least changed in future revisions of ROTJ. Look for it in the "Super Deluxe Special Edition" DVDs. :dozey:


Actually, I just look at it this way: Unlike Luke, Leia grew up in what's left of the Republic, around people who knew and worked with her mother. She was probably told something about Padme (seeing as she was raised in a political family,) in addition to seeing pictures and holograms of her. But the people around her were probably always sad when talking about her, and Leia, a nacent Force-user, picked up on that emotion without knowing it, and associated it with her mother.


Luke was around people who only briefly met Padme and Anakin,.. simple farm-folk who knew nothing about galactic politics, who probably told Luke nothing (or at least nothing true) about either of his parents.


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