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Clear Core Saber Crystals, my fifth mod released

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i have just released my fifth mod, and its something i stumbled upon by accident, Clear Core Lightsabers.


i personally think they look alot better than the Black Sabers i last released, and also, i actually use these!


[edit]due to an oversight on my part, this mod will not work unless you add the files to it from my Patch. sorry for the confusion[/edit]











any feedback appreciated. also, thinking of doing an update in the future that doubles the number of crystals to include Malak-length sabers. any thoughts on that?


thanks again for the resource this place is

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Originally posted by FunSolo

hm, i dont like the look of the ''clear core sabers'' but its a good idea :) i never thought about a thing like that. plus it looks a bit like laser technology now. :D

n i bet someone will use it.


i don't like them best when they are frozen in mid-motion in those screenshots either. however, i do like them alot when they are still, like the first pic in my Clear Core Sabers sub album (link in first post). i also think they look great in the quick in-game motions that are seen more than the still shots.

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