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Question about influence


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Do only the members of your party get affected by the actions you take? If so, then I could have hk-47 and Atton in my party and gain influence with them when killing, without losing with the inactive party members?


Also, I had 2 jedi robes that I found on telos, and they disappeared after leaving, on the ebon hawk. I tried going to my previous saves, leaving with the robes worn, and off. The last time I see it is during the cutscene with the jedi council. Right after that, back at the ship, my exile is armorless. Happen to you? (PC version btw)

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1. Correct. Only those with you at that point in time loose / gain.


2. Happened to me as well, except in the holo vid my Exile was in his jump suit, the video ended & my PC on the Hawk was in his jump suit. Only with the jedi robes.

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