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Looking for Novel titles


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Hey guys and girls,

Just wondering if anyone out there can tell me the names of the books, trilogy I think, where Han rescues Chewie, gets dishonourable discharge from Imp Navy, and starts out smuggling. I can't seem to find them, so if anyone knows, let me ,, uh know.

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There are two Han Solo trilogies. You want the one by A.C. Crispin. She's a fantastic author and did Han, Chewie and Lando right. Wonderful stories. I've read them twice and I'm thinking about reading them again.


The other trilogy is by Brian Daley, if memory serves correct. Daley's novels put Han and Chewie in the Corporate Sector and Crispin does a good job of tying it together.


Read them all... but I promise, Crispin won't disapoint you.

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