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Commands to bots?


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It takes some modification...but it only works if the server has that modification hosted.


In JA+ alpha testing, we upload a version of the mod to allow bot commands so that we can run tests on different things. We then remove that modification when we release a beta version to the public.


In other words, all public ja+ versions have "bot control" removed...only the private alpha tests have it.



That's all I really know about it.

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Sounds interesting.


Bot Orders were something that Raven planned on with Jedi Academy (evidenced by the lingering references in the data files), but never completed. It's a standard Quake3 feature, so it's mystifying why it was left out.


In any case, OJP Basic also has preliminary support for it. You can order a bot to "attack" (just roam and find people to kill) or "attack <name>" the second part being the name of another player. Then they give their "order recieved" chat reply.


They're supposed to hunt that person down and kill them, but I think all it really does is up their "anger" level at that person (sort of like when a bot's "loved one" is killed in the normal game). It doesn't seem to matter a whole lot. They will just attack that person more often (rather than running away I guess) and have preference to attack that person over some other person they come across.


The other problem is that ANYONE can issue bot orders. That means you can issue orders to bots on the other team, or in a FFA game, or while you are spectating. That isn't how it's supposed to work (think about it). So again, it's really preliminary.


Eventually OJP plans to add a fully featured bot order system (camp this weapon or area, guard this area or follow this person, go for the enemy base, etc), but for now it's just a dream. :(


I'd be curious to see what JA+ has planned.. ;)


Anyway, in basejka, you can't give bot orders, sorry.

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Originally posted by razorace

Oh, well, I think The Last Hope did that sort of commanding for NPCs.


He did? That wasn't the mod that had "bots without routes!" was it? Because IIRC all that did was have the bots stand perfectly still and spam katas/fire (ie: they never moved from their spawn spot). Though it's been awhile... so I could be mistaken.

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Originally posted by razorace

Nah, that was AImod, which was totally different.


Anyway, the "bot commands" only applied to the NPCs, which aren't what we normally consider to be "bots" in JKA.


Oh ok.. so this would be more along the lines of something you'd see in COOP, eh? Interesting.


I'll have to check out that mod sometime... was it for JA?


*imagines siccing the Rancor on somebody in Siege, hehe*

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