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.skins on map_objects?


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I've been informed of a problem with one of the holocron models used for JKA. Basically, the Force Pull model has the skin of the Force Push holcron. I've already checked the shader files and it's definately not the shaders. The model is just using the problem skin.


Is it possible to change the textures on a md3 model with a .skin file or do I have to get someone physically fix the .md3?

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Yes it is possible:


1.Make sure your .skin file has the same name as your .md3 file


Let's say i make a saber called psyko.md3, the .skin file will be named psyko.skin and contain the name of the model followed by the texture path like this:




2.saber_w is the default name given to your object in 3d max (check the name in md3viewer)


place the .skin and texture in the model's path, in this case:



3.Load the model into md3view and import the skin (go to file then import skin), then write a .md3 with the new skin applied.


The other way would be to manually edit the .md3, which i dont recommend unless you know what you are doing.

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