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*spoliers warning* Suddenly confused....need help...

Aiden Star

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I dont know if its me or if this is the game....


...but compared to KOTOR 1 this hame has a very ugly story line which is just plain confusing.


I have just seen Mira for the first time and until this point the story made sort of sense, in a confusing way.


Now suddenly I am Atton, and two people attack (twins) however midway through battle Atton goes up a level.


I go up a level and suddenly the two Twilek girls stop attacking me. They fight eachother!!


Im like "woah cool...."


However it soon turns into horror when one of the girls kills the other and she just sits their giggling.


I can no longer speak to her as she says "hehe im busy" and constantly giggles.


I cant get out of any of the rooms as the doors are locked.


I reloaded and this time I died. They didnt kill eachother!


I reloaded again and finally managed to kill them both - stunning them first worked a treat.


Atton mentions something about a divertion.


However suddenly im Mira. The sound cut off a little and I heard her mention something about a dart.


Suddenly she is in that poisonous area for the aliens.....it says she is wearing an enviromental suit...when she obviously isnt.


She however doesnt open doors!! She walks through them!!!


I finally meet up with the Exchange leader and i have no idea whats going on.


Then suddenly im the PC again - I am asleep and the Jedi is with me and he goes to meet up to save Mira.



In addition to this....I became a Sith Lord at Level 15.




I mean A SITH LORD!!!!!


I wasnt even totally evil....I was only level 15 and this is only the second planet ive been to (Dantooine and Naa Shadar...)


To become a Sith Lord and made one by Keira seems odd. I mean....isnt there a special way to do this? I know Keira is evil....she was exiled by the other Sith Lords....so what does this mean??


The game stated that I got all my force powers back and am once again strong with the force. Not only that, when I kill another Jedi....I get his powers and become stronger....


Since ive become Sith Lord, I have become unstoppable. I have the hardcore difficulty patch and its set to "hard".


When I play with my character I feel like im a god. Is this the way its supposed to be?? When I play with Atton or Mira I just die as well.....they suck compared to my Lord-ness. :D



I have no idea whats going on??!??!?!



The game has gone buggy - which can be seen - but its also very very weird. The story and game is all over the place.


Is this what ive heard people talk about? that the game becomes odd during the middle? then become great again...only to fall on its ass with the ending?


I dont want people do give things away.....but whats happening in my game right now....is it a bug? or is this the way its supposed to be (or all of the above.)

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Everything sounds right, but did you see the cutscenes before those events occured, they explain why you are controlling those particular NPC's at those times.


The thing with Atton and the Twin suns is an occasional bug that occurs in that cantina fight scene.


And Mira not wearing an Enviromental suit was patched by a modder sometime ago... I cannot remember who right now though.


The walking through the doors is probably another bug. I have noticed in some games once you get a major bug others will follow in that particular save game, like something becomes corrupted.


Also you can definately get your prestiege class at level 15 that is the way it is. Once you hit 15 and are 25- DS or 75+ LS, Kreia will give you the option to become a Jedi or Sith Prestiege Class.


And yes, Jedi Masters and Sith Lords have a fairly easy time of things in the late game.


Lastly, have you patched your game yet?

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Yes its patched.



I also added a patch from a modder which makes the game harder. Im playing on his second hightest (hard, below insane)



As Sith Lord I have nearly infinite Force points. Currently 300 odd force points and 300 hit points.


Im a machine. :D


I feel the power of the dark side.... and the corruption is.....amazing, :D


too bad for the sudden bugs....I never get CTD at all though....which is a bonus.

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Originally posted by RedHawke

Also be sure tp play the game through several times as once you beat it additional cutscenes open up and explain the story further. :D

really???:rolleyes: Next time ill play as my current characters brother......


this time I will play as a good charatcrer.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Also be sure tp play the game through several times as once you beat it additional cutscenes open up and explain the story further.


What do you mean by this? I finished it once (LS, Jedi Master, quite an ease, never short on force points even with Force Storm) and restartet it with a DS-Char, but did not find anything new...

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Originally posted by anastasios777

What do you mean by this? I finished it once (LS, Jedi Master, quite an ease, never short on force points even with Force Storm) and restartet it with a DS-Char, but did not find anything new...


Well KOTOR 1 and TSL were designed to be new everytime you play them.


For example:

The first time: I could be LS and get along great with Bao-Dur but get cold-shouldered by Mandalore. I'll find out alot of things about Bao-Dur but nothing about Mandalore.


The second time: I could DS and get along great with Mandalore but get cold-shouldered by Bao-Dur. I'll find out alot of things about Mandalore but nothing about Bao-Dur.



Listening to the past of your Party Members is important, because it will give you cutscenes. I recently got enough Influence with Kreia and got a cutscene in which she gets

beat up by Sion



The moral is that you should always experiment around with your choices.

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The first time: I could be LS and ...

The second time: I could DS and ...


Sure there is a lot of difference if you player DS oder LS. What I mean is that I did not find an new storyline or cutscenes just by completing the whole story until the end. Of course it will always be different by the decisions you make, that is clear.




Is there some secrets to be unlocked somehow that you cannot find so easily during "normal" playing which are not yet mentioned in the walkthroughs?

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A new storyline? That depends your perspective. Don't forget that you also get to choose Revan's gender and alignment which, IMHO, has a great impact on storyline than your current PC.


Each time you play (assuming you alter gender and alignment), you get a different piece of the puzzle. Keep in mind that you don't get them all; just enough that you can reason out your own interpretation of events. I had to play 5 or 6 times before I felt that I had a solid grasp on what happened at Malachor, the nature of Revan, etc.

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Originally posted by Achilles

I had to play 5 or 6 times before I felt that I had a solid grasp on what happened at Malachor, the nature of Revan, etc.

Same here... I really think OE did really good with that aspect too.


Sadly though, many play through once and that's it, they miss out on so much. Then they say that TSL sucked because they didn't understand it.

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Sadly the only way ill play it again if I can get totally different party members and with the restoration project completed.


What angers me is that I have no idea who Sion was....or Nihilis.....(isnt that a Belgian soccer player? :p )

before they were evil.


In both Kotor 1 and 2 I have yet to meet that Assasin Droid!


I will wait and see if someone can create a patch which removes Kreia and others....


I would hate to have similar characters....


Then again I didnt really play with anyone but the Handmaiden and Hannaarr...most of the time.


I do know we get 2 other characters if we are good characters.....is wish there was a way to remove every character whom is evil...or was there from the start of the game.


It would then feel as though at least the party is kind of new.....and with a different ending would be nice. (LS ending)

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I tried to play the game one time as a neutral Jedi... well, the problem is that some of your decisions will come out a way you do not want it, but later on there is no more possibility to change your path (e.g. treachery on General Vaklu and helping the princess after all, in the second time in Iziz).


After all, the possibilities for treachery (IMO a main feature of a DSider) and intrigues is missing a little, in most situations you can just choose black or white.

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Originally posted by Aiden Star

Sadly the only way ill play it again if I can get totally different party members and with the restoration project completed.

While you have the Restoration Project to look forward to, that mod will not change what it seems that you think it will.

Originally posted by Aiden Star

What angers me is that I have no idea who Sion was....or Nihilis.....(isnt that a Belgian soccer player? :p )

before they were evil.

You must play the game more than once to start to get a picture of what is going on. Which as I said above sadly many are either unable or unwilling to do this, and miss out on a lot.


TSL didn't spoon-feed the story to us like KOTOR I did, you have to make different choices, actually interact with the NPC's, and do things in certain ways to find some story bits out, each time you play. OE did this to encourage replays, but it also seems to make some people who are not used to RPG's dissatisfied.

Originally posted by Aiden Star

In both Kotor 1 and 2 I have yet to meet that Assasin Droid!



How many times have you played KOTOR 1? (Didn't you explore all the areas of the game? *Cough* Droid Shop on Tatooine *Cough*)


And for KOTOR II:TSL? (Didn't you explore the Ebon Hawk? *Cough* He's on the Hawk *Cough*)

Originally posted by Aiden Star

I will wait and see if someone can create a patch which removes Kreia and others....


I would hate to have similar characters....


Then again I didnt really play with anyone but the Handmaiden and Hannaarr...most of the time.


I do know we get 2 other characters if we are good characters.....is wish there was a way to remove every character whom is evil...or was there from the start of the game.


It would then feel as though at least the party is kind of new.....and with a different ending would be nice. (LS ending)

From what you are saying here, my humble suggestion is don't wait for things that aren't going to happen (Whole new characters, and endings). Example: Kreia is an integral part of the story.


You seem to dislike the game, so sadly you might as well uninstall it and move on to another game.


Just my 2 cents! ;)


Also, and I am just curious about this, you seem to offer a contradiction in your post... you stated "wish there was a way to remove every character whom is evil" which contradicts this statement "Then again I didnt really play with anyone but the Handmaiden and Hannaarr...most of the time." Hanharr is a very evil character, if you used him a lot then why do you want him gone?

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Okay.....once again people putting words in my mouth.


However I will try and clarify.


1. I never said the Restoration team would remove characters. I simply said I hope people can add or remove characters. Funny enough ive now found mods which add extra characters as well as remove some. As I played the first time round as a dark side character I will already get 2 new characters.


2. I will eventually play the game through again, sadly its annoying when the plot is already explained and the LS/DS endings are virtually not different at all. I will just wait for the Restoration mode to finish to get more of the story explained.


3. Kotor 1. No I never went to the droid shop on Dantooine. I normally never used my own droids and thus didnt bother.


4. *cough* I saw the Robot on my Ship,*cough* however I never turned him on as I never found a Chassis. Then got fed up and just


5. You said "waiting for things that arent going to happen." - The restoration project *will happen* and ive already found mods to remove annoying characters.


6. I DISLIKE THE GAME? Are you crazy?????? I will repeat that....ARE....YOU....CRAZY? :p:D Kotor 1 and 2 have been the best games ive ever played.


7. Regarding the contradiction remark....what contradiction. This is you simply misquoting me. There is no contradiction at all. The first time round I played as a DS Sith Lord. I played with 2 evil characters. Handmaiden turned evil and Hannarr was evil. This time around I want to play with a team of LS characters. However Ive noticed that this will happen anyway as other charactes join if the character is good.



Thanks for intricately slicing my post apart like that and helping me out, but it wasnt really necessary. :)


I have finished Kotor 2 and eagerly await for the Restoraton team to finish up so I can play again.

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