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n00b editor questions


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I can not follow the 'documentation'. I've read it. It leaves out far too much.


Why is my ground BLACK? Is it because I'm unable to TEXTURE properly? I thought it was the sky which I copied and renamed the Hoth sky file as MyRetardedMOD.sky and that replaced it nicely. No change to the ugly black friggin ground.


I thought I may have to do with COLOR mode but no matter what I change it never seems to matter. Oh sure I can paint purdy foreground/background colors but it never ever matters.


Is there a better way of accessing OBJECTS than copying over the entire contents from c:\Lucasarts\BFBuilder\Assets\Shipped Worlds\* to c:\Lucasarts\BFBuilder\MyRetardedMOD\Worlds? I do this and I can use almost every OBJECT but the load times are long.....


In the UNREAL engine you'd add light sources wherever you need them. This editor doesn't seem to mentions lighting at all. Do we have to 'light' the ground?


Are the problems I'm having because I began to mod with the BFBuilder?


I'm very frustrated with this. I'd LOVE for someone to point it out in the documentation. Not the "read the documentation" way of pointing it out. That's like stating "my home address is Earth". Way too vague.


PLease HELP.

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  • 1 month later...

Theres more to answer than i can remember in one thread. Have you tried going carefully through the BF Builder guides that you get with the program (like mod1 tutorial) for example? If those didnt help go to http://www.saturnlabs.net/Tutorial_Lava/URD_page_00.html for a better tutorial. Basically this will teach you some of the stuff left out of the BF guides. It guides you through building a mod map named Urdur Hakon. Its pretty helpful, just remember to download the urd textures on the downloads link.

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