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question about .net conventions


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in the .net environment, how do you include precompiled object files?


like in unix we have .o files which can be pre compiled and then included in a makefile



but how do you tell a .net soultion to include pre-made .obj files?



the reason i ask this is cause i'm working on a meathod to catch wallhackers/aimbotters etc and it requires C++, and to get that to workin the jk3 library you need to precompile the C++ object then include it in the final build



the anti cheat thing is also probably a good idea to share around with the modders, as long as the source isn't released publicly becase then it will be subject to hacking

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i have to bulld a static .lib written in C++


the main header for the lib looks like this


#ifndef CPP_H
#define CPP_H

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

   void test_pp(void);

#ifdef __cplusplus




this is included in the buld for cgame and the c++ lib


in cgame i include this in cg_local.h and it's one of the headers in the lib



void test_pp() looks like this in the lib



#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#include "CPP.h"

extern "C" void Com_Printf( const char *msg, ... );

extern "C"  void test_pp(void)
  Com_Printf("this is a msg from c++!");




to create a static lib, in .net go to new project -> win32 project


then in the wizard that comes up click applications settings and check static .lib



then go into proteries of cgame, go to linker->inpuit and add the .lib name to the "additional depenancies" list


you will also need to put it in one of the .lib paths that .net looks for in tools->options->projects->VC++ directories (show directories for library files)




now you'll be able to add a consolecommand call to test_pp() in cgame and see the message written in the C++ modules


this guide also helps to do further stuff



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I am curious though, how much power this gives me - I'm guessing I'd be able to get information about the OpenGL context, and then start pushing polygons to it with this code - isn't that a potential security issue?

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i am setting up a way to use this to query windows for the name of each file in memory and their path


then i'm going to find their md5 sums and check that against a list of know wallhacks and such


but, we still don't have the names of what void functions are in the .exe but i supposse you could find a way to use regular opengl calls




wudan: security issue for who =p

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