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Force Speed (Kotor 1 & 2)


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I need some help with this.


I know someone was kind enough to make a mod where force speed lasted much longer and the blur effect was removed (My eyes friggin' hurt everytime) and posted it here. Also, they modified to powers a bit to make it stronger. I was wondering if anyone has it or can post a link? Thanks in advance.

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Was it from this thread? or Was it from this thread? T7nowhere has a download in the second post, Xcom has one further down.


But neither of those added anything to the powers.


I hope this helps! :D


EDIT: You should also edit your post to contain the Force Power effects you want to change, the ones you listed in your email to me... how else will people in the know be able to answer you, if you have not yet asked the question. ;)

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Considering the fact that I'm playing it now (With RedHawke's mods only), I can promise you, that there are indeed, speed blur effects for KotoR 1. Maybe you just have frame buffering off?


For any Force modders:


What I need is an increase in time/damage with some of the powers for KotoR 1:


- Drain Life used to be capped at level 10. Now it is capped at level 20.


- Death Field is capped at level 20 as well. The damage was also raised from 1-4 per level to 1-6 per level.


- Force Lightning is almost identical, except that now unresisting targets will be pushed back as they fry. ;)


- Force Storm's damage was increased from 1-6 per level to 1-8 per level. It also will push unresisting targets away from the caster.


- Kill will really kill now. ;)


- Drain Force, Improved Drain Force, and Master Drain Force now drain significantly more, assuming the target(s) has enough force points.


- Burst of Speed, Knight Speed, Master Speed increased from 36 seconds to 180.


- Force Wave's damage has been increased by 33%.


- Remove blur effect when we have speed on.


For KotoR II, just do the same except:


- Force Crush will kill the target outright, assuming the target fails its saving throw. If the target saves, they will take half damage.


- Force Scream, Improved Force Scream, and Master Force Scream have all had their damage increased by 66% with stun chance.


I remember that there was a mod for Kotor II that had the exact same effects. Can that person help?

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