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Question About Replacer Readme


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Hey all,

So, I'm reading the readme for the replacer and I understand/have done everyhthing up to this step:


<Quote>5) remove all objects, which you not will be editing;



How do you do that? The next step says not to remove anything, only move the verts (this part I'm starting to understand, but I'm still confused by 5.)


I know this is not her native languege.... so I'm appreciative that examples even exist, but can somone help me understand this better?


Sorry if this is a redundant question... I tried to look it up but the search function is down right now....



Thanks in advance,


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Originally posted by Fuu

<Quote>5) remove all objects, which you not will be editing;



How do you do that? The next step says not to remove anything, only move the verts (this part I'm starting to understand, but I'm still confused by 5.)


I'm not sure what was meant by that, but I've ignored that step and things seem to work just fine anyway.


Just make sure you only check the geometry you have modified in the Vertex Coordinates For list when you run your model through the Replacer. If you leave everything checked I've noticed it may occasionally cause trouble.


Also, if you haven't already figured it out, after you have selected both ASCII models you will probably get an "External exception" error. Just ignore it and click the Open ASCII Models button again (without restarting the application), and it will work eventually. :)

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Well, I think, like stoffe said, that step doesn't matter much. You say that you hide the unneeded objects T7. I happened to be editing a head this morning (You know that already though. :p) and I simply deleted everything but the mesh I was working on, the aurora base, and the ingore_ngon. Head works fine ingame for me. :)


And the error you're getting is interesting stoffe, I have yet to get such an error. :confused:

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