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stuck/nar shadaa


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Ok im proper stuck on nar shadaa.Im trying to gain influence with atton iv egot him to help me fix the speeder and i talked to the twileks abt him but i need one more influence with him to be able to train him as a jedi.Any ideas where else on nar shadaa id be able to gain influence with him.Help. :sithk:

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I got the following instructions from the KOTOR INFLUENCE CHART:



If memory serves INF can be gained through either light or dark actions.

Can be gained where ever INF is lost/gained with your other party members. Ex; Bao Dur.

Telos academy, after being freed talk to one of the sisters & ask where are my friends?

After her answer, ask if they're prisoners? & she'll give you some info about Atton.

Later ask him about his echani training & respond with I thought it could be an asset. -INF gain- ( If DS, beware a LS hit here.)


Also on Nar Shadda at the air speeder when he offers to unlock the security let him & respond with 'I'll let the expert handle this.' -INF gain-

After touching your parties mind with Kreias help, ask Atton 'why he plays pazaak in his head'

Follow dialog tree.

Pick the option to apologize. -INF gain-


For jedi levels.

Nar Shadda refuge camp your approached by a pair of twillecks. Listen to what they have to say.

Ask Atton about the info they give you.

Follow dialog tree.

If INF is high enough, should open jedi levels.


Hope that helps.

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You can gain INF with Atton following the LS or the DS. Any INF gained with Atton at the expense of another party member is coincidental. Unfortunately, gaining INF with Atton while following the LS takes a little bit longer than DS (there are several people you can kill on Telos that allow you to gain INF with him). Just be patient and take advantage of the +INF opportunities that you can take with him on the Ebon Hawk after you encounter Visas. You'll be able to make him a Jedi soon enough.


If you really want a blow by blow break down of how to max out your INF with him, let me know and I'll try to put one together for you.

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You can gain INF with Atton following the LS or the DS. Any INF gained with Atton at the expense of another party member is coincidental. Unfortunately, gaining INF with Atton while following the LS takes a little bit longer than DS (there are several people you can kill on Telos that allow you to gain INF with him). Just be patient and take advantage of the +INF opportunities that you can take with him on the Ebon Hawk after you encounter Visas. You'll be able to make him a Jedi soon enough.


If you really want a blow by blow break down of how to max out your INF with him, let me know and I'll try to put one together for you.


Cheers that would be appreciated ive done the airspeeder and the twilek bit but obviously didnt do enough on telos can i go back there to gain more inf or do i need to wait till i get to dxun. :dsaber:

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If you're DS then, you've already passed up all the INF opportunities that have been available on Telos to this point. Your best bet is to go on to the next planet. I don't recommend Dxun; not a lot of INF opportunities for Atton there. I'll see if I can put together something for Atton tomorrow.

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  • 3 weeks later...

If you haven't already completed Datooine (it might work if you have I dunno) then go there and go near the crystal cave. You should see a man standing near a crashed speeder thingy (you would see him if you were on our way back to Khoonda). Talk to him and agree to find the atsompheric sensors. Go into the gave and you should see a pillar thing pretty much in front of you. There should be some rubble near there (you need bao-dur in your party for this). Search the rubble and you'll get the sensors, but Bao-dur will say something. let him inspect them and you'll find something in it. Go back to the guy (take bao-dur out of your party if you want to train him into a jedi becuase this will lead it INF-) and tell him about what you found. Eventually just kill him and Atton will say "I don't know what came over me", just say it was the right thing to do and you'll get some INF+, and some DS points. Even if your going for lightside dont worry its only a little thing. Have fun training your jedi! :jedijawa:

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If you're LS, then do all of the above, except leave Atton in your party when you return, mention what you found, and then refuse the extra credits when they're offered. You'll get your INF+ and won't have to worry about DS points.


You can do something similiar with the droid merchant outside Khoonda.

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